Wednesday Things
So I was planning on telling you about marshmallows today. Unfortunately, my computer is still all kinds of messed up and I think (slash I hope) that it will be a simple system upgrade. And even more unfortunately, I tried to do that last night, however, my computer doesn't have enough memory for the upgrade. So I tried to move everything to my external hard drive so I could free up some memory (most of it is on there anyway, but I wanted to confirm before deleting anything...) however, my old as dirt computer now refuses to read my hard drive. So I can not only not upgrade my system, but I can't access my hard drive (and photos) either. Le sigh.
Instead, I'll just do a Wednesday Things post where I tell you all about what I'm happy about, mmmk? I like that idea better anyway ;)
1. I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping! Yippeee! I actually love holiday shopping and gift giving. It's so fun to find great gifts for people I love. I think that means tonight will be a gift wrapping evening...and perhaps I can convince my husband to watch a Christmas movie...I'm eyeing this one...
2. There's still time to enter the homemade holiday goodies giveaway! I've been collecting some fun stuff to send the winner (not to mention lots of homemade goods), so if you haven't entered to win yet, you have until midnight!
3. Last night Shaun and I stumbled upon a special about Yellowstone National Park on Planet Green, which we happily watched. We had visited the park last summer and it was one of the best trips I've ever been on. I had no idea what to expect before we went, and it was truly an amazing place. One spot is more beautiful than the next...and the animals are like nothing I'd ever seen before in person.
4. Yesterday, I geeked out at Butter Lane Bake Shop. They named me their blogger of the week, so of course I had to go and buy some cupcakes see my name in lights chalk. Such a cute place and their cupcakes are heavenly. My good friend Lauren was kind enough to accompany me, play photographer and of course, add a frosting shot to our coffee (apparently that's their idea of 'creamer'...and if that's wrong, I don't want to be right).
5. I'm thinking of running a virtual bake sale/auction after the holidays. My cousin Jessica, who is just 22-years-old, was recently diagnosed with leukemia a few weeks ago and we are all doing what we can to support her and raise some money for her medical bills. Would you be interested in baking something for a potential sale? Or buying from a sale? You wouldn't have to be a blogger...just a kind and willing person who could make a batch of baked goods and be willing to ship them to your highest bidder...please let me know! If I get enough people, I'd love to make this happen! I know the holidays are incredibly busy, but perhaps in January? Jess needs our help!
6. I'm trying to get into drinking herbal tea. Thoughts on this?
7. Who is watching American Horror Story? Anyone? I am finally caught up on this season and am loving every second of this show! I cannot believe that it will come to a close next week. Please don't post any spoilers in the comments, but I'll open up a discussion on the Facebook page if you want to discuss. My mind, for one, was blown. I even just love the opening credits. To me, good opening credits are of huge importance. The music alone gives me the heebee jeebs.
8. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo comes out next week. I'm so beyond down with this that I can't even tell you. Every time a trailer comes on for it, I make Shaun stop the fast forward button so I can watch it. (I promise, it hasnt gotten old for him ;)) It looks remarkably dark, which is just how it should be. Ah I can't wait!
9. I'm thinking of making this as my main dish for Friday evening. Perhaps served over orzo? I like.
10. I need coffee stat. I think today = Dunkin' Donuts coffee day!
So that's what's happening with me on this Wednesday.
Questions of the Day:
What are your Wednesday things?
Did you enter the giveaway yet? Thanks to those who did! It's turning out to be the most entries ever for a giveaway I've hosted! Keep 'em coming!!