5 Things Making Me Happy Today
Somehow, I find it so easy to fall into a rut. Sometimes, I get a case of the blues. I hate that. Especially when it's seemingly (on the surface at least) for no reason. When this happens, I realize that I have 2 choices. To continue wallowing...or to snap myself out of it and be happy for all the big - and little - things that are good in life.
As Barney Stinson would say, "When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead... True story!"
So here's a few things making me happy today!
cherry crumble for one. Ah the power of food. It makes everything better. Especially when it combines warm, sugary fruit with a buttery, oat-laden topping. Oh and the whipped cream is a must!
farmer's market. They make me happy and think of chunky sweaters and Uggs and trolling around with a burning hot cup of hot cider. Oh and they are just pretty.
pretty homemade party favors. My mom and Kim made these little cakes in jars as party favors for Kim's graduation party. They are so cute and delicious. They just make me happy.
fall tv. I'm Rachel and I'm a television addict. (And I'm not the only one!). I'm so sad that True Blood is over, but I can't wait for my returning shows. Topping my list? Castle, Fringe, Parenthood and Boardwalk Empire.
football is back in my life. The cheering, beer drinking, lounging, eating and jersey wearing has arrived in all of its glory. It's good.
So that's what's doing it for me this week.
Question of the Day:
What's making you happy today?
psst...Christine's talking about her own TV obsesh today on The Peach & The Pit...hope you'll tune in!

Reader Comments (13)
My trip to Trader Joe's this afternoon makes me very happy :)
Love this post and Hi my name is Jessica and i am not only a cooking junkie but a TV junkie too! Its not that I watch alot of TV because I don't have the time but when my favorite shows are on- its game on and no one messes with mommy! LOL! Those party favors are the cutest idea I have ever seen and writing this down for my son's next birthday party
My family makes me happy. All the time. I don't always show it, but they do.
I also love the fall, but also feel that little depression that summer is over.
I do need to step it up this fall. New eating habits. Want to be fit.
that cherry crumble looks amazing! what makes me happy today? hmm, i go 9 hours of sleep last night, which is unprecedented + fabulous. i feel so refreshed! also, i got tons done on my to-do list yesterday, which means that i'll have some down time today to cook, relax, maybe even take a bubble bath. not too shabby! =)
love parenthood! and those cakes in a jar are fantastic!
Test post comment
I'm totally stoked that Castle is back! And for football. But mostly for cooler weather and fall clothes! Best season ever!
Work friend lady dinners make me :)
I'm with you on the football. YAY! But for today, getting involved in new challenges and ventures. I just love getting things started.
Your cherry crumble looks so so so good! I wish I had some now...even though I already ate lunch. Who's counting?
So, I watched the whole season of True Blood per your recommendation and I was HOOKED! such a great show. I'm definitely going to have Sunday withdrawls. I'm getting excited about Dexter though!!!
I totally hear you on getting in a rut! Love those cake party favors!!
Joanna, I'm so happy I didn't steer you wrong!! I'm excited for Dexter too!