Biscoff Sundae
I feel like I was just complaining about Tuesday and somehow it's now already Thursday!
(Right? It is, in fact, Thursday today?)
Last night Shaun had basketball and so I spent the evening hanging on the couch catching up on my shows --->the ones Shaun refuses to watch with me (but then asks me for the recap of them, so I secretly think he does in fact want to watch!). Topping my list? Kourtney & Kim Take New York!
I'm not really into reality TV for the most part, but I do love me some Kardashians, Bethenny and of course, Jersey Shore. During this season of Kardashians, I've come to the realization that Scott is my favorite of the bunch. I know this is a bold statement. And I was there for the drunken mirror punching, Khloe-hating, the whole shebang. But now, I think he is funny, charming, and sort of puppy doggish in how he loves Kourtney so much and she can seemingly take him or leave him.
Am I wrong to like him this much? Let the Kardashian weigh-in begin!
Moving on.
You know that I've been doing Weight Watchers, and for me, the most difficult part of a maintaining a healthy lifestyle is that I really like to have dessert at night. It doesn't have to be anything big or fancy, but I do love just a little sweetness. With Weight Watchers in mind, I've been trying to get creative with my dessert to keep it low points but satisfying. Enter the Biscoff sundae.
If you haven't tried biscoff spread yet, it's like gingerbread and shortbread got married, had a baby, and it turned into a spread. It's yummy.
This little number takes about 2 minutes to whip up and comes to 4 Points+. Not to shabby considering this is one decadent and filling sundae! It's perfect for the evenings when you have a light dinner with a few Points+ to spare!
Biscoff Sundae
4 WW Points +
1/2 C light or sugar-free vanilla bean ice cream (I used Turkey Hill Light)
1 Tbsp biscoff spread
2 Tbsp whipped cream (aerosol or Cool Whip)
In a small, bowl, melt the biscoff spread in the microwave, about 20 seconds.
Meanwhile, scoop ice cream into a bowl. Drizzle with melted biscoff.
Top with whipped cream or fat free Cool Whip.
The biscoff hardens around the ice cream like a Magic Shell and adds such a delicious flavor. It's such a nice change up from chocolate syrup --->though I think light or sugar-free chocolate syrup would be A-mazing here too! And less Points+.
So there you have it. My favorite little dessert of late. It feels so fancy, but is really incredibly simple and worth every Point!
Questions of the Day:
Who is your favorite Kardashian (if you watch the show)?
What is your favorite ice cream topping? As long as I have whipped cream, I'm all good!