This Week... (Naked palette, Big Love + New Glasses)
...I finally broke in my Urban Decay Naked palette...gorg.
...I spent 30 minutes removing Deborah Lippman’s glittery Happy Birthday nail polish from my nails. That was a tough one.
...Shaun and I decided that we officially like Big Love after 4 or 5 episodes. It was a rocky start, but I think we are ready to commit to the series. Love everyone on this show! And also love that I’ve already spotted 3 actors who also just so happened to star on my beloved (and short-lived) Veronica Mars - anyone? anyone?
...I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and realized that I never shared my Pineapple Coconut Dream Bars with you. Let’s forget how sick that is, ok? I have a lot going on. But it happened. And I’m sorry that I’ve deprived you...please expect this bit of yum on Monday morning.
...I got new glasses...not too shabby, right? My last pair was from 10 years and 2 prescriptions ago. Not so good.
...I made these ah-mazing Golden Grahams cookies...and next week you can bid to win a batch at The Sunday Sweet’s bake sale to benefit OC Walk to Remember. Head over there on Monday Aug 1!
...I saw Friends with Benefits. I thought it was great and funnier than I originally imagined it would be. I love Mila Kunis. I finally get why everyone loves Justin Timberlake so much. He’s adorable. And funny. And adorable.
...Alex at Yums and Loves is featuring my Chocolate Cherry Smoothie as part of her no-bake recipe roundup. Check out all the deliciousness on her blog!
...I launched a new venture with my sisters! In case you missed it, the 3 of us will now be blogging over at The Peach & The Pit! Please check it out. I think you’ll like it. (TAA will continue as usual)
...I read A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. Holy wow. If any of you are interested in hearing about it, I’d be happy to review it for ya, just give me a shout!
While we’re talking about all the fun of this week, I’d love to take a moment for next week. On Sunday morning, I am heading down to Aruba with Shaun and my family. I really am so excited for this trip. We usually go in early July, but pushed it back this year because Kimberly just took the Bar this week (yay Kimmi!!). I cannot wait to get my eat, drink, lay and read on in paradise. I have some fun posts and guest posts lined up for you next week, so be sure to drop in!
Until then, have a great weekend friends!! August here we come!

Reader Comments (7)
Yess to all of this!! Especially the Naked palette, I can't wait to try mine out today, and to Big Love!! I am so happy you are on the train, can't wait to discuss, and yes lots of V Mars characters, but I can only think of 2? Amanda Seyfried and Mack? Who else!? Is it the son, Ben?
Now Im curious haha
Pineapple and Coconut has to be the best combination,two of my favourite foods in one bar,thats just perfect. The more i see UD products the more i want to abuse my bank card,this really isnt good!
Have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous trip!!!
I really LOVE Big Love, but I think, as a non-Mormon Utahn, I sort of have a little obsession with it. I also watch Sister Wives (on TLC) and have read both of Carolyn Jessop's books (which I totally recommend, by the way) and everything else out there about it! If you need a totally consuming book to read on vacay, read Escape by Carolyn Jessop - I read it in one sitting (and one very late night).
LOVE that makeup wow! yeah, glittery nail polish looks great, but the removal is a major pain!
I am sooooo glad you finally get the JT I love you even more! :)
Coconut and pineapple bars sound amazing; I love the tropical flavors in the Summer time, and anytime really.
The cookies look delicious. Golden grahams is one of my favorite cereal flavors.