5 Things I Dislike About Traveling
First thing's first. After you've read this stimulating blog post (;)), and The Peach & The Pit,
In a few short days, I'll be leaving for our annual family vacation in Aruba. If you recall, it's also the home of my 2008 beach wedding and pirate-themed rehearsal dinner. Though I don't really think it's possible to be anymore excited than I am, there are some things that I dislike about traveling. Things that give me anxiety and things that I'd all together rather not do.
1.The trip preparation
Though I like to think of myself as a master packer, the pre-trip 'get ready' always puts me a little on edge.
I'm a definite list maker, but the idea of plotting out outfits for minimal packing, getting on top of my laundry and shopping for any other needs still feels a bit daunting.
2. The airport experience
Am I alone in this? I doubt it. Airports are one of the worst places ever. Everything about them is meant to cause anxiety. Will the car pick us up on time? Will there be traffic getting to the airport? Will there be a line at check-in? Will there be a long line at Security? Do I have anything that will be confiscated at security (like a rogue sharp hairpin, bottle of moisturizer or bottle of water)? Will I set off the metal detector (even though I've removed essentially everything but my leggings and a low cut, tight tank top)? Once I'm through security, should I stop to get food or water before getting to the gate? Or put my stuff down first? What about the bathroom? Will my flight be delayed?
I know, I'm crazy. But these are the things I think about.
3. The flying experience
This one I've actually gotten better about. I used to be terrified of flying. Since I've done quite a lot of flying over the last 2 years, I've had to get over my fears and just get to it. I don't love turbulence, but I'm getting used to it. It doesn't hurt throwing in a trip to Europe too...suddenly it makes all domestic flights seem like a cake walk.
4. Not having all my options
I try to pack light but it's a tough one. I like to have options. Sometimes I don't feel like wearing the clothing that I brought or realize I am missing an appropriate item to wear. I also try to leave my hair dryer at home if possible, but it's inevitable that the hotel hair dryer will be a significantly less awesome option than my own.
5. Weight gain
This is usually inevitable for me. I overindulge. I get bloated. But I do thoroughly enjoy all of the different and delicious food that is eaten on vacation.
I just hate coming home to tight clothing and a feeling of dread about the upcoming (and necessary) detox.
With all of this in mind, I'm still super excited! Today I'm feeling daunted to cross everything off my list. I hate laundry and I hate packing! I usually have more fun making the list than actually doing anything on the list. I'm not complaining though. In a few days I'll be in paradise, and that, my friends, makes all of the anxiety caused by the above completely worth it.
What is your least favorite aspect of traveling? Or do you simply love every second?
Psst...if you like what you see here, please check out my other blog that I write with my 2 fab sisters, The Peach & The Pit Of It! Hope to see you over there!

Reader Comments (7)
I absolutely hate airports,i hate the hustle and bustle of swirving in and out of everyone with a giant suitcase. My first flight abroad was to Turkey,yeh,someone really should have explained to me before boarding what the hell Turbulence is.
I agree on everything but my favorite line of your post was this: "Will I set off the metal detector (even though I've removed essentially everything but my leggings and a low cut, tight tank top)?" Seriously so true
Packing ... coupled with my procrastination and tendency to over pack is not always ideal. Have the best time in Aruba! I'm not jealous at all. I'll miss you! Come back soon...
So not thinking clearly. I bought 3 bottles of Anchor Wing Sauce to bring home for Shaun only to totally forget we are in the age of terrorism. I didn't check my suitcase so of course they got confiscated. Then as we were waiting for our delayed flight we found an anchor bar which had bottles to buy. So frustrating. Didn't buy them, now I am sorry.
They had a scanner so I didn't have to get patted down. Love that scanner. When you have a hip replacement you are always patted down. Every airport needs a scanner.
FYI - I'm so jealous of your travel packed summer! Love seeing the pictures and reading about it though!
i'm with ya on the airport experience. lots of anxiety...especially about traffic and security for me. have a great time on your trip!!
I love airports!!! So many amazing memories with family friends Europe and just having some quiet to read! I love em!