What I've Been Watching
There's something you may not know about me.
I'm a TV addict. I love all kinds of TV, be it cheesy and poorly written, hysterically funny or extremely dramatic and brilliant. In fact, my perfect winter weekend would consist of being snowed in with a few seasons of TV on DVD in the queue and endless amounts of hot popcorn and other goodies. Take our New Year's Eve night, for example. We stayed in, made some grub and watched like 8 episodes of Boardwalk Empire. Now that's my kind of night.
I thought it would be fun to give you the rundown of what I'm watching now and hopefully you can give me some suggestions for new things to test out!
Shameless: It's the new show on Showtime featuring a fantastic William H. Macy as a drunken father of 6. Funny, heartbreaking and they aren't kidding with the title. While by the second episode I was on the fence, last Sunday's ep solidified its place in our TV repetoire.
Lights Out: The new show on FX. I was lucky enough to attend the NYC premiere of the show and was immediately hooked, and not just by Holt McCallany's attractiveness either. Like any new show, it needed a couple of weeks to get going, but the third ep must be the charm since Tuesday night's outing left me on the edge of my seat for next week.
Jersey Shore: Here's where the cheese comes in. I'm a Jersey girl and I find it brilliant that this subculture has made it to television. I'm no stranger to the Shore and some of the people who frequent certain parts, but examining it through a reality show is quite the ride. And for you non-Jerseyans, please note that most of the Jersey Shore is gorgeous and wonderful - not Snooki-laden.
30 Rock: I still love Liz and Jack, but it's not necessarily a must-watch. We catch it when we can!
Top Chef All-Stars: I love when they have all-star seasons because they are just so fun. I'm so happy to see Fabio back in action and the challenges this go 'round have stepped up the competition. Throw in some Tony Bourdain as a judge and I think we've got a winner on our hands.
Modern Family: Love love love this show. The best comedy on TV since Arrested Development got the axe (though I'm hesitant to even put it in the same category as that piece of genius).
Castle: I've been watching since episode 1 and can never get enough. It's the most fun show on this list and I look forward to it each and every week. Fun mysteries, a budding romance and all the Nathan Fillion you can handle. What could be bad about that? Oh and did I mention that I even read the 2 novels written by Nathan's character, Richard Castle? Yup, I did.
The Office: I have a love/hate relationship with it. Sometimes its on the mark and sometimes not so much. Last night's David Brent appearance was so funny but so short-lived. I feel duped.
Of course, there are many more, depending on the time of year. For example, I'm already counting down to June when the 4th season of True Blood will premiere! So there you have it. A little round up of what I'm enjoying on the old telly these days. What are your favorite shows on TV right now?

Reader Comments (16)
I am without cable but I do catch The Office! I do have a love/hate relationship b/c I thought the first two seasons were fantastic and they have sort of gotten off track in the past years.
My current favs are Sopranos, Mad Men, Weeds, Dexter - I think the list could go on. I'm addicted.
omg, know what you mean about arrested development....best ever. but modern family is great too!
I love Castle. I can't get enough of him either. I taped Lights Out only to find that somehow it got deleted. Now I have to see if I can go back and watch.
I love weeds, and look forward to it coming back.
Modern family would be better if there was more Ed O Neill and Manny. They could build a whole show around them.
After that it's reality, reality. Love all the housewives. Can say though that I have never watched Jersey Shore. I find it insulting to a NJ native. That isn't the Jersey Shore that I know and love.
Try Hulu.com for eps of Lights Out!
I have a ton of favorite TV shows...but in my regular DVR rotation is Grey's Anatomy, Off the Map (new, by Shonda Rimes on ABC, fantastic), Gossip Girl, Hellcats (yes I own that I watch it and love it), Jersey Shore, Skins, Biggest Loser, Modern Family, and Dexter is my new obsession.
I'm with you, there have been several occasions when I have sat down and watched an entire season of a show in one sitting. I'm not ashamed of it.
The faves on my TV rotation are How I Met Your Mother, 90210, Gossip Girl, and Grey's Anatomy. And of course, almost anything on the Food Network and Cooking Channel :)
Ah I forgot about HIMYM and Food Network! Also staples!
We have a lot of overlaps! I am excited for Nurse Jackie to come back on- another must-watch!
I'm an admitted Reality TV addict, but I LOVE Top Chef. It is by far my favorite show. I might have a mini crush on Tom Collicchio too (by mini I mean giant). I also love Project Runway and So You Think You Can Dance, as my favorites - but if it is reality, on Bravo or the Food Network - I probably watch it!
Oh, and I love Castle too - and Bones - I love Hodgins!
I don't have cable and don't have much time for TV! I am looking forward to when school is over (this October!) so I can get back in the business of watching shows on DVD... I still haven't even seen the second season of True Blood, let alone the third! William H Macy is the shiz, so I can only imagine how awesome that show is. I most of the FX series are pretty dang great! I have a feeling that the boy and I are going to break down and get cable once we have our own place in June!
I LOVE the office, modern family, dexter, californication, community, parks and recreation (a new fav) and tosh.o
woah... for someone that went without tv for several years... I sure do love it!
color splash also makes me drool. dbromstad is my bff.
Ahhhh - we would get along so well! I could just write ALL my posts about TV :)
I don't watch True Blood or those that are highly acclaimed - because I don't even think I get that channel?
I'm more of a reality and sitcom type of girl.
I feel the same way about The Office and 30 Rock.So good, but sometimes just hard to get into really...
Reality shows...Dancing with the stars, American Idol...kind of watch The Bachelor - but it's so catty I can't handle it anymore (maybe I'm just jealous ;)?) .
Have you seen The Middle with Patricia Heaton?? So funny! It comes on before Modern Family I think. Oh and The Big Bang Theory is good too.
...uh, okay, I've hijacked your comments section...I'll shut up now....:)
I don't have cable, so I have to watch on hulu...which is ok because then I don't overdo it!
I watch Private Practice, Glee, and Weeds....that's pretty much it!
My cousin is producing a new show that will come out this spring----called The Killing. They're shooting right now in vancouver (I guess it's cheaper to do that than in LA), so I'm sure I'll watch that one when it comes out too!
Glad to see that you like Shameless. I watch Dexter and saw the previews for it all the time but I never gave it a shot. Maybe I'll tune in :)
I am dyyyyying to watch Shameless. Seems right up my alley :) hahah My favorites are Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Office, Jers Shore, Real Housewives, Weeds, and Californication. Just to name a few....haha ;)
I have a Glee, Bachelor, & Criminal Minds obsession! :) And I need to get the Modern Family DVDs. I keep hearing rave reviews, but I'm so behind! I still have not caught an episode.