What not to do in the kitchen + a PSA
Sorry for my absence yesterday but Sunday turned out to be a bit more exciting than I had planned which left no time for blogging. Don't believe me?
Sunday was not unlike many others before it. In fact, now that football has come to a close, Shaun and I were thrilled to have the day to catch up on food shopping, closet measuring, laundry and other fun adult Sunday things. In fact, I spent the morning planning our meals for the week, followed by food shopping, followed by cooking. I was planning to share all of that with you yesterday, however, when I get to the details of how Sunday went down, you'll understand why my measely meal planning got the bump.
While I was cooking away, Shaun had recently watched Giada at Home, where Giada made some potato chips and decided that he too had a hankering for some homemade chippies. After whipping up Rocco's blue cheese dip (our favorite of yore), Shaun broke out this guy to get his chip on (minus the protective guard). You can probably guess where this story is going.
And if you can't, well...
think about it for a moment...
There it is. I'll spare you the intimate details. Let's just say that there was blood. Some screaming (mostly from me). A lot of orange Gatorade. A lengthy amount of time passing before we made the decision that yes, it was pertinent to get to a hospital stat. It wasn't pretty. In fact, I'm still feeling a bit traumatized by the whole ordeal.
So we left the half sliced potatoes on the kitchen island and hopped in the Prius over to Jersey City Medical (a fine establishment, if you are in need of a hospital, by the by). A little while later, we were home, bandaged, medicated (painkillers for the man and a sedative for me...just kidding...sort of) and relieved that this bloody ordeal (er...pun not intended) was behind us.
Some of us were more relieved than others. At least the latter in this situation got some good painkillers out of it. That made him happy.
The finger in question is just a coincidence. I think. At this point, he did encourage me to tell this story on the blog, though in hindsight, it could have been the meds talking.
So the moral of the story, friends? Don't get a mandolin. We had ours for less than a month before this disastrous incident. While it produced some delectable goodies like this...
...it's probably the most dangerous kitchen tool you could own. And not worth the risk of chopping off the tip of your finger (and fingernail). And so not worth seeing your awesome husband (or awesome self) in so much pain. Take it from me, it's not pretty, it's not pleasant, and it's going to take a heck of a lot longer to heal than a simple bandage.
But if you do own one, or aren't deterred by the bird-flipping man in the photos above, please for the love of Jesus, use the guard it comes with or at least an oven mitt for protection. I'm pretty sure I won't be looking at a mandolin ever again. Of all of our kitchen mishaps, this has by far been the worst one and was a real wake up call to be SO super careful in the kitchen when handling any sort of tool, be it blades, knives, or electrical equipment. It's so easy to make a simple mistake and all it takes is one wrong move. My poor sweet husband has the severed finger to prove it. So please, be super super duper careful when handling this tool.
That will conclude today's PSA.
I'm traumatized.

Reader Comments (24)
Oh my gosh! Poor shaun! Poor you! I would have freaked. Hope he heals up quickly! Ps- this is why women are superior... we follow directions. LOL
OMG OMG OMG! No lie --- I was just asking for a mandolin yesterday and wrapped up my request with "but those things are chop-your-finger-off dangerous! and thats scary"
omgggg! I'm glad he's ok! and that you're ok! and I promise I wont buy one!
though I do bad things with knives too... so my fingers are not safe regardless
Ouch! I'm glad he's okay! I was just using my mandolin yesterday... I will be much more careful from now on!
Those machines have always been dangerous. I didn't realize they were even around anymore. Did he have to get a lot of stitches? The chips look great by the way!!
Ah, that is the reason I don't even own a mandolin! My husband is convinced I'd cut off a finger. Hope Shaun's is feeling better!
oh no!!! i feel his pain. i've sliced my finger up pretty good on my mandolin. no hospital required but that little blade is wicked sharp!!!
Whoa that's pretty scary! So glad he didn't lose a finger though!
This is exactly why things like the mandolin scare me. Even delicious tasty chips aren't worth losing a body part!
Aunt Janet, unfortunately there was nothing to stitch. The tip (and nail) just sliced right off. I think a deep cut may have been better in that they could stitch it right up - in this case they had to add a fake skin on top to adhere and stop the bleeding. Not good.
Oh, and I won't even get into where I eventually found severed piece. You don't want to know.
I went to bed with chills and woke up with chills. I really wanted to get one, but will stick with my knives and food processor.
Hope you're feeling better Shaun! Here's a speedy recovery of your middle finger...
WOW!!! That's horrible! I hope he heals quickly. I just got one of those as a wedding present and I'll definitely use protection (Pun INTENDED)
oh no!!! I hope that his finger heals well! that is so scary! i am glad he is OK though!
I will admit, i keep toying with the idea of getting a mandolin, but then things like this happen and remind me why i dont have one.
I hope your week gets better!
Mandolines are GREAT! They only need to be respected. Once you cut yourself you'll rarely, if ever do it again. Users need to place 100% of their attention on mandoline slicing or julienne tasks. With a little practice
(i.e. experience) under your belt the thought of parting with your mandoline will be unimaginable. Shoestring fries ROCK!
P.S. Guards are cumbersome and annoying. Manodline makers have to include them for safety, but few rarely make things easier. The best advice is to not try and slice up a whole potatoe or whatever, stop and discard when you are about an inch away from the blade or use a dry towel and the heal of your hand to apply pressure instead of finger tips after halfway through the task.
I am cringing right now! OMG I hope he is okay. I have a mandolin - the one you are talking about and I fear that each and every single time. Ah. I really have to go super duper slow. Hence, I don't use it that much. I hope he heals fast! :)
They were letting the poor folk on Worst Chef in American use one of these ancient torture devices and it scared me half to death - just imagine how dangerous they would be for them if they were dangerous for you!
Scary story, but made for some blogging gold!
We have one of those too and the first time I used it I totally cut up my finger as well! Argh those things are death machines... ;) I'm so glad I just found your blog!
Thanks Olivia! So happy you found us too :)
As a passively agressive driver in NYC and predominantly right handed, I could not imagine injuring my right middle finger. I would ditch the mandolin and go with any sea salted kettle cooked chip or if you're looking for french fries...go to Shake Shack (and top them with molten, golden cheese).
Amen to that! Nothing better than cheese-covered Shake Shack fries :)
Now you've really got me wanting them.
I am traumatized too. I am throwing my mandolin in the garbage. As soon as I submit this post. Really.
Oh no!!!! How scary! I have a few different mandolins, and I will admit that they all kind of terrify me for that same reason!
Glad that everyone is ok...or at least on painkillers! Haha!
I call my mandoline THE FINGER SHREDDER. Gets one of my fingers every time I use it.
OMGosh! I just discovered Blogs!! I love them!! I'm traumatized about your husbands decapitated "Bird Finger"!!
Before this story I thought a Mandolin was a musical instrument! It's actually a tiny guillotine!!! LOL 8]