A Delicious Year in Review: 2009
A Big Thanks
Wow, I can't believe it's the end of another year. The post-holiday malaise has left me in a shell of dread for the upcoming cold months and limited vacation time. Though 2009 had it's ups and downs, all in all, it was a good year. After all, I got a brandy new day job, am married to the best husband of all time, and, oh yeah, I started this little ol' blog, of which I'm very happy and proud to call my baby.
What started less than a year ago as a way for me to ramble about my love for Manhattan and it's surrounding areas has grown into a bonafide web site with actual readers...something I can't believe is real. This is the most fun personal project I've ever embarked on. It makes me happy and excited every single day and I wish I could devote even more time to developing content. Over the last year with this site, I've taken an interest to things I never knew I liked or even loved for that matter - who knew that I'd be so giddy over receiving baking tools for Christmas? Or that my truly adorable Anthropologie apron would become one of my favorite wardrobe items? Or that I have a serious love of trying new restaurants and the food that's housed within them? Not me. And even more, I can't wait to continue learning about food - how it's made, where it's eaten - and passing on my new found knowledge to all of you. After all, when I started writing about food, I didn't know any more about it than anyone else. Sure, I've always liked it, but who hasn't? Exploring, learning and writing about food has been a wonderful adventure and I can't wait to continue it next year. So a gargantuan thank you to everyone who has read my articles, commented on them, and passed along this site to friends.
And while we're on the subject of how great you all are, I've never really had the chance to explain to you how much each and every one of you means to me and how I truly cherish each and every one of your comments and inquiries. Please keep 'em coming! So thanks again for giving me a reason to keep on writing and I hope you enjoy reading it half as much as I enjoy writing it.
Where we're going
So with that in mind, I hope that you'll continue to indulge me in 2010. Some big things will be happening around here very soon and I'm almost bursting with excitement to share the news. I think and hope that you'll be (almost) as excited and happy as I am with my big announcement, so please stay tuned! Part of the 2010 plans include even more food reviews, recipes, tutorials, event coverage, videos and lots of reader contests. This is also the part where I ask you, fabulous reader, what you would like to see more of on this site? It's always difficult to gauge what strikes a chord with you and what you come back for more of. I know what I love writing about...but what do you love reading about? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
So with all of that in mind, have a fabulous, fun, and safe New Year's Eve tonight and a restful New Year's Day! Meanwhile, you can catch some of my own personal favorite articles of the year below (the articles that qualify for this are the ones that I genuinely loved every moment of experiencing and then relaying the messages on to you). Did any articles strike your own particular fancy?
My Top Ten Personal Favorite Articles of 2009:
Yankee Stadium vs. Citifield: Baseball Park Awards
Suburban Dog in the City
Key Lime in the Coconut Cupcakes
Aruba Travelogue: How to do Breakfast Three Ways
Eating Through Madison Square Park
Before Oktoberfest, It's Italianfest Part II or How to do the Festival Circuit
Fall Treats: Apple Surprise Muffins
Turkey Day Recipes
Restaurant Roundup: An Otto-matic Favorite

Reader Comments (3)
Hi Rachel,
Love your blog-Happy New Year!! hope all is well!
here's something you may be interested in..
they are opening stores in manhattan w/all local farmers market stuff. nothing processed.
cool concept-if they can get it off the ground.
Thanks Kim! For reading, and for the tip!!
Happy New Year and hope all is well with you too!