Ringing in 2010
If you are at all like me, you've waited until the last possible moment to plan your New Year's Eve. And by waited until the last possibly moment, I mean even at this point you haven't solidified plans. I'm not sure if it's the big hype that more often than not doesn't live up to its promise or just plain old post-holiday exhaustion, but by the time New Year's comes around, I'm kind of already over it. Not to mention the fact that I'm kind of tapped out in the cash area and I'd prefer to spend any remaining money on holiday sales rather than one night at the bar (though by going out, it does give me a reason to purchase a sparkly little number for a night out on the town which probably won't be used again throughout the year). So that always leaves one question: what do to for New Year's Eve? Shaun and I rang in 2009 with a night on the couch, surrounded by champagne, hors d'oeuvres, and a viewing of The Dark Knight. To ring in 2010? It's anyone's guess at this point.
So my question to you is, how are you planning to ring in 2010? Are you hitting up a swank bar or lounge? Having a low key game night with friends whilst lamenting the downturn of Dick Clark's deteriorating health? Heading out for a chic dinner with your significant other? Taking in a late night viewing of Avatar 3-D (this one is high on my list)? I'd love to hear about your plans (and possibly steal some of your ideas!) so please do tell!

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