This weekend I had very special visitor at my Jersey City apartment: my family pup Chloe.
A 12-year-old cockapoo, Chloe explored JC for the last 4 days while Mom and Dad sunned themselves and gambled at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas. Like many suburban dogs, Chloe does not get the same walking workout that most city dogs do. Instead, she spends her time trotting around a backyard and spending most of the day on her fluffy green pillow with her ‘baby’, a ratty old toy lacking in any discernible features as it has been carried around in her mouth for the last 12 years. I think it used to be a squeaky little lamb. Anyhow, her small size and constant need to be in the center of the action, as well as her irrational abandonment issues, make her a prime candidate for apartment living, since there’s only so many rooms in which exciting things can happen. Chloe’s propensity for Guitar Hero, the New York Mets, and chasing pigeons were all discovered over the last few days.
Chloe was excited and made herself right at home during her first night at the Humiston residence.

Like most city dwellers, Chloe’s first inclination was to hit up the gym at Newport Swim & Fitness, but little did she know she was in for 6 20-minute walks per day, therefore deeming the treadmill unnecessary.

Instead, we explored the Pavonia/Newport Town Square, where Chloe tried her hardest to play in the pink flower beds, but to no avail.

After dissuading her from a boat trip, she settled for chasing a few pigeons.

Then we took a stroll by the Hudson, where Chloe and I agreed it was the best river we’d ever seen.

Back at home, Chloe just wanted to rock out with some Guitar Hero. The drums just weren’t for her, but she really got down on guitar with Steve Miller Band’s The Joker.

After Guitar hero, dinner, and a nap, Chloe and I both wanted to watch baseball and subsequently fought over the remote. She won.
It was a long week filled with walks and couch sitting. Unfortunately, our time had to come to an end, and we drove back to suburbia.

After a fabulous 4 days in the city, Chloe was all tuckered out but promised to come back and visit soon.
Reader Comments (3)
oh god seriously the cutest thing i have ever read <333
ummmmm O...M...G. I can't stand it!!!!!
How cute! Chole is a very adventurous doggie. I want to follow her everywhere!