Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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This Week... (Naked palette, Big Love + New Glasses)

...I finally broke in my Urban Decay Naked palette...gorg.

...I spent 30 minutes removing Deborah Lippman’s glittery Happy Birthday nail polish from my nails. That was a tough one.

...Shaun and I decided that we officially like Big Love after 4 or 5 episodes. It was a rocky start, but I think we are ready to commit to the series. Love everyone on this show! And also love that I’ve already spotted 3 actors who also just so happened to star on my beloved (and short-lived) Veronica Mars - anyone? anyone?

...I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and realized that I never shared my Pineapple Coconut Dream Bars with you. Let’s forget how sick that is, ok? I have a lot going on. But it happened. And I’m sorry that I’ve deprived you...please expect this bit of yum on Monday morning.

...I got new glasses...not too shabby, right? My last pair was from 10 years and 2 prescriptions ago. Not so good.

...I made these ah-mazing Golden Grahams cookies...and next week you can bid to win a batch at The Sunday Sweet’s bake sale to benefit OC Walk to Remember. Head over there on Monday Aug 1!

...I saw Friends with Benefits. I thought it was great and funnier than I originally imagined it would be. I love Mila Kunis. I finally get why everyone loves Justin Timberlake so much. He’s adorable. And funny. And adorable.

...Alex at Yums and Loves is featuring my Chocolate Cherry Smoothie as part of her no-bake recipe roundup. Check out all the deliciousness on her blog!

...I launched a new venture with my sisters! In case you missed it, the 3 of us will now be blogging over at The Peach & The Pit! Please check it out. I think you’ll like it. (TAA will continue as usual)

...I read A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. Holy wow. If any of you are interested in hearing about it, I’d be happy to review it for ya, just give me a shout!

While we’re talking about all the fun of this week, I’d love to take a moment for next week. On Sunday morning, I am heading down to Aruba with Shaun and my family. I really am so excited for this trip. We usually go in early July, but pushed it back this year because Kimberly just took the Bar this week (yay Kimmi!!). I cannot wait to get my eat, drink, lay and read on in paradise. I have some fun posts and guest posts lined up for you next week, so be sure to drop in!

Until then, have a great weekend friends!! August here we come!


This Week... + Traveling Oatmeal Snack Bars

...I ate leftovers of pretzel crusted brownie bars, and my tight skirts hate me for it

...I jetted down to Orlando...where I still reside until tomorrow morning!

...I royally screwed up my first test batch of traveling oatmeal snack bars. They came out tasting like a salt cake. Not a sweet and salty cake, or a delicious chocolately cake with a hint of salt. It legit tasted like a cake made of salt and flour. It was gross. I may have spit out a mouthful of it into our kitchen sink. It was that good.

...I quickly remedied the snack bars into something delicious and nutritious.

I'm kind of excited about it. I made a quick batch of these to take on my trip to Orlando since airplanes are now too cheap to even hand out a mini bag of pretzels and it's as though my stomach is instantly on high alert once food becomes unavailable. I don't care...these bars are kind of awesome if I do say so myself. And they do not taste like salt. I promise.

Traveling Oatmeal Snack Bars
Makes 8 squares or 6 big bars
1 C quick oats*
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 C dried cranberries (or dried fruit of your choice)
1/4 C nut butter (I used Better Than Peanut Butter)
1/2 C skim milk
1 egg
1/4 C honey
2 tbsp maple syrup

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Combine the oats, baking powder, cinnamon, and cranberries in a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together the nut butter, milk, egg, honey and maple syrup. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for 30 minutes.
*I used quick oats since it was what I had on hand...I'm confident that old fashioned oats would work equally as well.

...Shaun and I got crackin' on Breaking Bad season 3. Season 4 premieres in a week! We have a lot of work to do.

...I made a blueberry-coconut baked oatmeal. Using my strawberry baked oatmeal recipe, I substituted strawberries and butter for blueberries and virgin coconut oil. It was oh-so-good and reheats to perfection in the microwave.

...I drooled more than once over this guy:

Can you blame me?

...I managed to keep my kitchen completely clean but we seem to have developed a serious fruit fly problem. I guess that means only frozen bananas from this day forward.

Next week is a big week in the Humiston house. As I mentioned a few times, I'm turning 29 next Friday (cue the hurrah or the meltdown, I haven't decided).

Meanwhile, Shaun and I will celebrate our 3 year anniversary on Monday. I have some fun wedding/getting another year older posts ready to rock for you (though those two topics will not coincide in the same posts!). I've been saving my wedding posts to do around our anniversary and I hope you'll enjoy them - our dream destination wedding in Aruba was hands down the best and most fun week of our lives!

So how was your week? Tell me all about the things you did! Please?!


This Week...

...I celebrated Father's Day with the best Dad in the whole wide world

...I so badly wanted to paint my nails in Essie Coat Azure...but I never got around to it. Maybe this weekend?


...I created all you need for a True Blood theme party


...Shaun and I watched the True Blood season 3 finale in prep for Sunday's premiere...there was a lot that I had forgotten!

...my legs got eaten alive by mosquitoes. I legit have 25 bites on them. They are itchy and soooo uncomfortable. This photo doesn't even do it justice. #ihaveissues

...I made zucchini fritters. And I can't wait to share the recipe with you.


...I had a girls night with some friends who I haven't seen in well over a year. It's not ok to let time pass like that. It's just not ok. We had so much fun. I can't wait to see them again next month...not after another year plus goes by.

...Shaun made English muffin pizzas. I love these every time we have them!

...Shaun and I watched the Game of Thrones finale. Holy $#%&! Anyone? Anyone? This show was definitely a surprise favorite of mine. I had the lowest of low expectations, but it turned out to be a fantastic show. The last 2 episodes had my jaw hanging open. Oh and Peter Dinklage, I think you rock the house.

 click for source

...our power went out. Last night. I adore summer storms like that. Especially when it breaks the humidity. Though I don't think this one did. Yet.

...I was terrible about going to the gym. I vow to change this for this weekend/next week.

...I haven't been reading. I've been playing Scramble instead. #helpme.

...Next week I'm participating in Lauren @ Keep it Sweet's online bake sale. I'm dontaing a batch of one of my favorite creations...Butterscotch blondies with salted chocolate glaze. If you want to win a batch, make sure to check out her auction on Wednesday 6/29. I'll send another reminder next week :)

This weekend, we are getting our DIY on around this house since there is so much work to be done that we've just been putting off. It's not a good habit. We are also having dinner with friends and going to a barbecue tomorrow! I can't wait! And on a personal note, I will hopefully be healing these horrific bug bites. It's not pretty my friends. It's just not pretty.

What are your highlights from this week? What do you have going on this weekend? Are you a bug bit magnet, like myself?

Psst...if you want me to post the True Blood recipes from earlier this week (baked beignets & shrimp po'boys), let me know! I can put them up tomorrow if there's interest! :)