Memorial Day Weekend 2014
I simply adore starting the work week on a Tuesday, don't you? I hate to rush the weekdays, but I love that we are already one step closer to the weekend.
How was your weekend? Ours was really great.
My weekend started on Friday afternoon, following early dismissal at the office. I dashed home, picked up the car and headed straight to BJ's to stock up on bulk groceries. We live in an apartment and so I can't go too crazy with bulk shopping, but I found it to be especially handy for stocking up on various meat, cheeses, salmon and more for our week 2 of the Dukan diet. Afterwards, I ran home to pick up my Sweet P from daycare! I love the rare occasions when that happens. That evening Shaun had last minute plans to meet our friend Ryan for drinks in Hoboken and so it was girls night for Penelope and me. We snuggled up in Mom and Dad's bed with pillows, blankets, and Tangled on DVD.
Saturday was filled with errands and food prep for a barbecue that evening with friends who live in our building. Unfortunately, it began pouring about 30 minutes beforehand, so they hosted at their place and the guys simply ran down to grill and then came back up with the goods. No outdoor time due to rain, but we didn't mind!
Sunday we had plans to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday at the beach. Luckily the weather held up, but it was a little chilly on the beach with a pretty fierce wind. Sunny and chilly enough for a long sleeve shirt which was ok in my book.
Penelope was terrified of the sand and water at first. Of course it was way too cold to even dip her toes into the water, but eventually she warmed up to the idea of watching the waves and even playing in the sand.
She also loved her chair from Grandma and Grandpa.
In the evening we went for dinner and took a few spins down the slide at the park.
It was a long but fun day and we arrived home around 11pm. Penelope was so exhausted that she slept until 10:30 on Monday morning! I couldn't believe it.
Once she was up, P remained pretty cranky throughout the day. We had wanted to simply enjoy a day in Jersey City on Monday and so that's what we did. We decided to explore Lincoln Park, which is just a short drive from our place. We packed P up in the stroller, brought a few snacks and did the loop around the park.
We have passed this park so many times in the car and it was so fun to finally go inside and see all that it has to offer. Sprawling green lawns, sports facilities including tennis courts, baseball fields, basketball courts, soccer fields and a track, playgrounds, fountains, picnic areas and a large pond. It's really a little hidden gem in our admittedly not-so-pretty section of Jersey City. Central Park, who?
Penelope was still so exhausted, so we headed home. She relaxed while Shaun and I cleaned up the place and prepped food for the week ahead. We grilled steaks for an early dinner and sat outside on our terrace for the inaugural use of the season. Penelope was in bed by 6:45 and we were on the couch by 8:30, lamenting the end of a great weekend.
All in all, it felt like a nice long break and I'm ready to welcome the summer (and all of its craziness) with open arms!
How did you spend the long weekend?
Did you have good weather?