It Could Be Worse
I love starting my week on a Tuesday, don't you?
Especially after a nice, long weekend of home improvement projects, barbecuing with friends and family and lounging in the hot Jersey sun. Things could be worse.
My waistline that was on the cusp of trimming down could now revolt.
At least I used a sandwich thin. Though my palette seriously missed out on the good, old-fashioned potato roll.
I could have found a delicious and refreshing new homemade poppy seed salad dressing that my sister Christine whipped up, possibly knocking out my favorite balsamic-honey-mustard dressing. The balsamic dressing simply won't be happy to hear about this.
I could have lamented that though I'm jumping for joy over corn season, Jersey corn hasn't quite hit yet, leaving all other corns inferior. But it's still fairly wonderful.
Especially when it's cut off the cob, leaving no pieces stuck in my teeth. Smart, right?
This little girl could have eaten her own doggie food, rather than hide out under the kids' chairs in hopes of finding lots of 'crumbs'.
I could have spent the day indoors or out on my sweltering terrace instead of lounging at my parents' pool with them, my sister Christine and my cousins.
Things could be worse.
How did you spend your long weekend? Any parties or picnics? And please weigh in...Do you eat your corn on or off the cob?

Reader Comments (10)
Looks like a fun weekend! I was in the pool too - so happy summer is here!!!
As far a corn, I have never liked corn. I don't like corn or white potatoes. They're probably going to kick me out of the South soon. LOL!
I think it is more fun eating the corn on the cob... although I always end up with a million strings stuck in my teeth! Sounds like a wonderful weekend:-)
I'm having a slow start today, but it is picking up, albeit slowly! It's always crazy how a three-day weekend throws me off my game!
What a delightful weekend you had! Great idea to use sandwich thins instead of big ole buns.
What a fun weekend, I actually ate corn too! But mine was on the cob. Probably not the best idea haha :)
looks like a fun weekend!!! glad you guys enjoyed yourselves :)
My weekend was very relaxing...I was definitely not ready to go back to work today! And I am definitely an on the cob girl!
I love summer food!
Looks like a fun weekend. I was traveling home from vacay for half of it, and then I eased myself back to reality!
I definitely eat my corn on the cob!
Oh man! My weekend was full of eating. I feel gross. I threw in a piece of wheat toast today so I'm back on track like you are :p. Baby steps right?
I eat my corn off the cob usually, but I can go for on every now and again.
Joanna, my stomach despises me yesterday and today! Yet I still want food! :)