This Week...
I realized that unplugging is good for a little while. Not good when it's caused by falling trees, but still a good thing in general.
downed tree in front of my parents house. yikes!
I found the wonder of the mashed potato bar. I'm thinking of making a permanent one in my apartment. Mashed potato martini, anyone?
I think Shaun and I decided on some colors to paint our walls. I'm sorta kinda excited now, instead of being filled with dread. For the entryway/kitchen/living room, we're thinking an icy blue. Our place is already dotted with red and I think blue will be a bright, happy complement. Image found here via Pinterest.
For our master bathroom, I also want something bright and cheery. After finding this image via Pinterest, I thought this fun artichoke color would be nice to complement our light brown tiled back splash (which came with our place when we moved in).
Next up, we'll have to figure out the bedroom (I'm thinking a deep gray or brown? Something on the bold side) and the den (no ideas there).
I had {a loooong overdue} dinner with Lindsey at La Carbonara, our favorite spot.
The Giants played twice! Yay! I am so excited for football season to official start next week!
I decided that I despise the new Target Back to School commercial. I see it all the time now and I just think it's annoying. And makes me not like Target so much (which I ususally love) and it kinda makes me want to gauge my own eyes out.
I gathered all my supplies to make a giant batch of fruit pops for a party this weekend. I might even be making another dip to go with them this time...I'll keep you posted!
So that's what's going on with me this week!
Questions of the Day:
What did you do this week?
What are your weekend plans?
psst...We're sharing our peaches (highs) and pits (lows) of the week over on The Peach & The Pit. Head on over to share yours too!