Five Things Friday
Another week has come and gone, and that means it's Friday! Woo hoo! And Friday {aside from equalling only 10 more hours until freedom} means Five Things!
Pumpkin Bars.
These bars are oh-so-moist, pumpkiny and perfect for the season. I made them for our Halloween party, but these would also be a perfect Thanksgiving dessert. I can't wait to share the recipe with you next week!
The Little Things: An Update.
I started Julie's challenge almost 30 days ago, and I haven't given you an update since then! Though I had originally planned to be all cute and make a sweet jar filled with gorgeous paper clippings of Little Things, somehow a month has passed and I haven't yet done it. I realized the utilitarian route was better for me so I started keeping a Google documents spreadsheet {you can say it...Nerd Alert!} for my little things.
Here's a few from the list:
Having a great hair day
Perfect autumn weather & a bon fire!
Spending a day sewing with my mom
A solo night at home = cheese & crackers for dinner and Parenthood catch up sesh!
Planning a Thanksgiving dinner.
Next weekend, we are having a mini-pre-Thanksgiving dinner with a couple of friends. I adore Thanksgiving food and am excited to get some sampling in before the big day, which we spend with our families! I also love planning parties and hosting, so I've been hard at work on the details.
Autumn Wreath candle, Yankee Candle.
I picked up this guy at Bed Bath & Beyond (with a coupon!) and have been lighting it every evening. It makes our entire home smell like warm autumn though I roasted a turkey, baked a pumpkin pie, lit a fireplace and cuddled under a blanket. You know, if all of that shared one gorgeous scent.
Essie's Poor Little Rich Girl
Though this is an older color in Essie's arsenal, it's one of my favorites for Fall (and you can still get it at drug stores or via It's perfectly red and has just a small bit of wild flair. I will be painting my nails this weekend!
So there you have Five Things for this Friday! I hope you all have a truly fantastic weekend!
Quesitons of the Day:
What are you loving this week?
What is your favorite scent?