Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Tell the Wolves I'm Home


I'm back from a whirlwind 5 days in Las Vegas, followed by a weekend of camping. I'm not going to lie...it's been a long couple of weeks. Life was crazy leading up to Las Vegas, I didn't sleep much in Las Vegas, I went straight to sleeping outside in a tent for 2 nights, and then came back to some work craziness as well. Let's just say that coffee has been in full effect this week. I'm thrilled to be settling back into some sense of normalcy, but also really looking forward to our annual Aruban vacation in just a couple of weeks. It is so needed and I couldn't be more ready to be on a beach sipping a cocktail. 


While on the plane, I started reading Tell the Wolves I'm Home for book club. My sister Christine suggested that we start a book club of us, our sister Kimberly and our mom since we are all always looking for new books to read and usually end up reading the same stuff anyway. She chose this to kick things off and I'm really enjoying it. I was in such a rut with reading, so I was eager to pick up the book and dive in, even without any knowledge of the story or plot. Our first 'meeting' is during our Aruba trip, so I'm in a crunch to finish it before then. I'm about 2/3 of the way through and really loving this book!

If you are interested in joining in, I'll be posting a review and some of the questions we discuss during the week of July 13th. And to get you excited, here's the book synopsis from Amazon.com:

1987. There’s only one person who has ever truly understood fourteen-year-old June Elbus, and that’s her uncle, the renowned painter Finn Weiss. Shy at school and distant from her older sister, June can only be herself in Finn’s company; he is her godfather, confidant, and best friend. So when he dies, far too young, of a mysterious illness her mother can barely speak about, June’s world is turned upside down. But Finn’s death brings a surprise acquaintance into June’s life—someone who will help her to heal, and to question what she thinks she knows about Finn, her family, and even her own heart.
At Finn’s funeral, June notices a strange man lingering just beyond the crowd. A few days later, she receives a package in the mail. Inside is a beautiful teapot she recognizes from Finn’s apartment, and a note from Toby, the stranger, asking for an opportunity to meet. As the two begin to spend time together, June realizes she’s not the only one who misses Finn, and if she can bring herself to trust this unexpected friend, he just might be the one she needs the most.
An emotionally charged coming-of-age novel, Tell the Wolves I’m Home is a tender story of love lost and found, an unforgettable portrait of the way compassion can make us whole again.


I hope you'll join in!

I'll be back tomorrow with an update on how I'm hanging in on the Dukan diet over the last 2 weeks, with travel and camping thrown into the mix. I also have a great giveaway that I hope you'll enter to win!

Have you read Tell the Wolves I'm Home?

What are you reading lately?


Reader Comments (7)

I just finished this morning! I can't wait to discuss it with you guys. I can't believe how fast it went. The pages just flew by and it was so beautiful

June 25, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

Am almost done. Love it.

June 25, 2014 | Unregistered Commentersandy

This may have to be my first summer read ;) ... How do I get involved in this Aruba trip so that I can discuss too ;)

June 25, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKristen

Kris, we would LOVE for you to come to Aruba! Plane leaves July 6...

June 25, 2014 | Registered CommenterRachel

Just read The Vacationers. Very good. Next is Bittersweet.

June 25, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJackie O

@Jackie O. I was also recommended Bittersweet last weekend. I'll have to check that out!

I just started We Were Liars.

June 26, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterChristine

I just bought the book for my upcoming trip!! Thanks for the recommendation!

June 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

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