Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Penelope Jane - 3 Month Update!

It's Baby Talk Tuesday and so I thought it would be fun to do a little Penelope update since I haven't done one since she turned 6 weeks. A lot has changed in the last 7 weeks!

The most exciting update is that Penelope loves to smile! It is really the best thing in the world. She greets me each morning with a huge smile and is happiest during the first half of the day.

We even got a few giggles out of her over the last week or so. She loves sitting in her bouncer and looking at her toys. She has started batting at them a little but mostly she just stares and smiles. Her favorites include an orange monkey, a dark blue elephant and a multi-colored and patterned butterfly with a mirror on its tummy.

She also absolutely loves music! I often play the Sesame Street station on Pandora for her and she eats it right up. She moves her legs nonstop and cries when the music stops.

Penelope has also decided that she loves chewing on her hands.

They are always in her mouth and she often ends up gagging herself after stuffing her fingers so far into her mouth. 

When I'm really desperate for a small break, I will put her in front of the TV for a little while {sometimes a lady has to pee or make a sandwich or something!}. Penelope goes nuts for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She literally smiles with her whole face and kicks her legs to the music. Now if I could only get the Hot Dog song out of my head...

During the last update I mentioned that Penelope was quite the crier. I'm very happy to report that on the day she turned 8 weeks old, she completely ceased her witching hours. It was just the time when I was really feeling at the end of my rope with the random bouts of crying...she cried every evening from 6pm-10pm like clockwork. And I mean full-body-convulsing-like-she-was-being-murdered crying (and yes, I had her checked out and was told she was completely fine). So just as I was contemplating running away to join the circus, Penelope decided she too had had enough of the crying, and simultaneously opened up the possibility that we may want more children (it was dicey there for a while). Whew.

It was also soon after this that she started sleeping through the night. She dropped to one feeding around 3am, and then gave that up completely...she started sleeping from 8pm until 6 or 7am! Without sleep training! (!!!)

Unfortunately we had to go and change things up by moving Pen to her crib. Until yesterday she has slept in our room in her lamb (aka the Fisher Price Rock n Play aka the best thing ever). Last night was her first night in the crib and generally it went ok. I can do a separate post about this transition once we are on track (hopefully soon)!

The last big thing to note is that I made my return back to work last week. I'll admit - there were a few nights beforehand when I spent hours on the verge of tears and may have even cried myself to sleep one night while repeating (to Shaun and in my head), what if she needs me and I'm not here? with a runny nose and teary eyes. 


I did it. We found a wonderful nanny, my mom is with her one day and I'm home with her one day. All in all, it's a great set up and while it is tough to leave her every morning, I'll admit that it is nice to get dressed, put makeup on, wear high heels and have some mommy time also.

So that's how we're rolling these days. I know I always say this but time really is flying by. It's hard to imagine that 10 weeks ago Penelope was this tiny...

And now I'm just trying to soak up every moment with my precious Sweet P so that I don't miss a thing!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

Do you or would you want to stay home from work with your baby?

I always said that I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but I do really love my job and am happy to be back at work!

Reader Comments (5)

Happy three months!! She's just too cute!

May 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDana

Aw, she is looking so cute and happy! So glad that she stopped crying so much, that sounds like it was super draining.

A beautiful baby! Happy Mother Day.

"A mother's love for her child is like the love God has for His Children."

Both will give their all, even their very life for their Children.

Our Father Gods bounty fill you and your family lives this year!

Thank God for Mothers!!

May 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRandall Yancey

I know everyone says this, but she is just getting so big!! the witching hour is brutal! Several times I had to pop P in the car and just go for a drive to get her to calm down! Awesome she is sleeping so well! I was wondering how you were doing with being back at work! I know it's hard, but sounds like you made the right choice for you!

May 8, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteralex

She is so sweet and precious! As a true Jersey girl I just love the I heart nj outfit. Too perfect!

May 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGrace

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