Triple Chocolate Banana Milkshakes
Ok you guys...last night I finished the second Delirium book...Pandemonium! I know we have a date to discuss Delirium (the first book) on April 3 (I hope some of you are reading this so we can have a little discussion!). So here's the problem with flying through this awesome series...the third book - Requiem - doesn't come out until 2013! Ahhh! I'm so bummed because it ended on such a cliff hanger. I hate that! Of course, I didn't realize this until I was already partially through the second book. Oh well...still worth reading, even if the wait is a long one!
Oh and remember, if you are on Goodreads, we can be friends!
So last night I had a hankering for something sweet after dinner. I'm trying to be better about eating healthfully and so dessert options are often limited. Mostly, I stick to sugar-free, fat-free pudding, but let's face gets old after a while!
Last night I had an idea for a milkshake. I had just frozen a !@#$load of bananas a few nights ago and always keep a handy supply of instant pudding in the cupboard. By using frozen bananas instead of ice cream and some prepared chocolate fudge pudding, I achieved a delicious, creamy, chocolately milkshake that was entirely guilt-free! Only 3 Pts+ per serving.
I'm mildly obsessed. Even Shaun, Mr. No-Sweets, drank his entire shake.
Triple Chocolate Banana Milkshakes
Serves 2; 3 Pts+ per serving
1 1/4 C fat free milk (or milk of your choice)
1 1/2 frozen bananas
1/2 C sugar-free, fat-free chocolate fudge pudding, prepared
1 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 Tbsp lite or sugar-free chocolate syrup
1/4 C fat-free Cool Whip
Place milk, bananas, pudding, cocoa and vanilla extract in a large glass measuring cup or in a blender. Blend (in blender or in measuring glass with an immersion blender) until smooth and creamy. Line two glasses with a bit of chocolate syrup and distribute milkshakes in said glasses. Top with a Tablespoon or two of Cool Whip and drizzle with a little more chocolate syrup.
Enjoy immediately.
I think half the fun of this shake is the presentation. Just a little extra work like lining the glass with chocolate syrup and using a whimsical, soda shop paper straw for devouring make this a super special treat that I can't wait to make again and again.
And the best part of all? It's 100% guilt-free! Get out your party hats!
Questions of the Day:
Do you have any guilt-free desserts?
Are any of you reading Delirium for our mini-book club discussion next week?! case you missed The Peach & The Pit this week, here's what's been going down...
I found some Spring things to seriously obsess over
Christine decided on some new hair color(s)
Kimberly had a fabulous weekend in the Hamptons...

Reader Comments (7)
need that yellow belt! shake looks amazing!
That shake looks awesome! Where did you get those adorable straws?
that shake looks soooo good. i only wish i liked bananas more! maybe i could replace them with another type of fruit?
I love finding new guilt-free desserts and this is a great idea... especially since it is mostly a fruit and milk:-)
oh that milkshake looks beyond amazing- especially right now because i didn't get a chance to eat liunch yet!
2 servings...6 points... absolutely fabulous!!!!!
I just read this recipe and am heading to the kitchen to make it. I keep sliced frozen bananas on hand for this very reason. Love the lavishness of the chocolate syrup too. So glad you shared.