Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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« Banana Bread Muffins | Main | Go-To Breakfasts, Instagram Edition »

Five Things Friday

Oh hi (!)

Sorry I left you hanging yesterday. Unfortunately when you leave editing photos to your last task of publishing a blog post and your dinosaur of a computer decides to simply refuse to cooperate and you end up spilling hot water down your pretty skirt while trying to steam it and get a run in your pantyhose the minute you run out the door to make it in time for a big meeting...sometimes the blog post doesn't make it live.

Not that any of that happened to me yesterday.

Ok, maybe it did.

Why is it that on the days when I try to take it up a notch in how I look for a big meeting do I end up as a giant hot mess?! Gah!

Anyhow, I was going to tell you about banana bread muffins yesterday...but they will have to wait until Monday. Sorry! Instead, enjoy my five things!


animal print heels

My mom talked me into buying these and I really love them. They are pretty comfortable and just give an extra oomph to any outfit, especially my standard black or gray uniform.



Admittedly, I don't think I've seen any of the best picture noms this year...woops! Somehow time got away from me and here we are at the end of February. Either way, I still love watching the glamour and love using it as an excuse to spend a fun night on the couch eating snacks with my mom.



OPI's Holland Collection

I think I love every polish in this collection, but if I had to pick one, I'd go with Dutch Ya' Just Love OPI? So pretty. Now I have to start hunting these down...


banana bread muffins

I made these for you! And can't wait to share them on Monday. 4 Points+ each.




bright skinny jeans

ahhhh spring please get here! I really need to own a pair of these...in like 10 colors!


So that's what I'm loving this week!

What are your five things?

Oh, and if you missed anything this week, check out:

Secret Recipe Club: Mexican Layer Bake

THON A-mazingness in Pictures

Go To Breakfasts, Instagram-style!

Reader Comments (4)

i want some green skinny jeans!

Totally agree with you on almost all points, but especially the jeans! I love them!

February 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaura @ LauraLivesLife

I literally cannot wait for this muffin recipe on Monday! Ever since you posted your lightened up stuffed French toast, I have been craving French toast like no other. I made my own twist on your French toast, and have made it SEVERAL times the past days. I'm working hard to get my bikini bod back, and I'm also on WW, so the French toast was right up my ally. I didn't have any sandwich thins on hand, or cream cheese, so I used whole wheat bread and a similar egg-milk combo as you but I added some steevia. Sooo good! I don't even need syrup, I just add some strawberries and bananas. I don't even need butter for the pan, it is fine with some Pam. I was totoally content with having this as the only French toast I'll ever eat again, until How Sweet It Is posted a Banana Bread French toast recipie today. It looks decadnet, beautiful, and amazilngly delicious! I was like, oh no! I want this but I don't want to know the fat/calories! I am def bakign the banana bread muffins, letting them sit out over night, cutting them in half, soaking them in an egg-milk mixture and grilling them like French toast. Genius! You should try it too!

February 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChrissy

Anytime I try to look nice, I always end up spilling coffee on myself or spending so long getting ready that I forget something crucial for the day. Love those muffins!

February 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBaking Serendipity

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