When Shaun Makes Dinner...
It looks a little something like this...
Fish & chips!
I love that my husband cooks. I would have probably whipped up yet another batch of black bean quesadillas or English muffin pizzas since I was so beat last night. But my husband? He pulled out all the stops. Using Bobby Flay's Throwdown cookbook, he made the famous A Salt & Battery fish from the famed West Village fish & chips shop. Complete with malt vinegar and homemade tartar sauce.
The batter was light and oh-my-god-unbelievable. The fish was perfectly cooked. White and flaky, meaty and light. I'm a lucky gal.
So Shaun, you're making dinner every night from this day forward, right?
I thought so...
Have a delicious weekend everyone!
Questions of the Day:
When's the last time someone cooked for you? What did they make?
What's on tap for this weekend?
We have lots of family activities planned and I cannot wait! I'll dish on it all next week!
psst...We're sharing our peaches (highs) & pits (lows) of the week over on The Peach & The Pit. Join in the fun and add yours over there too!

Reader Comments (10)
That looks yummy :)
Joe made me dinner for my birthday a couple weeks ago---crab cakes and asparagus. It was so good---I love it when he makes me dinner b/c he puts so much effort into it (and he's equally proud of himself!) and he also does the dishes :)
Have a great day!
Wow, I am seriously impressed with your man! I mean, the fish batter looks absolutely perfect in every way and it is making me hungry just thinking about it! kudos to shaun!
lucky girl! that looks so crispy and delicious! having a hubby that cooks is SO nice sometimes :)
I can't remember the last time I had a solid fish and chips! Looks great!
I think I'd even eat this, and I don't eat meat! Yum!
The last time someone cooked for me was actually pretty recent - two weeks ago, when my mother made dinner! I filled up on GF fresh garden veggies! Yum!
I could SO go for a fish fry tonight! It is Friday afterall (In Wisconsin, friday night fish frys are a must!)
You have such a sweet hubby; I love when my sweetness makes me meals! Fish and chips look flaky and delicious!
oh you're so lucky!! the fish looks amazing, going to keep that batter recipe in mind. or start searching for a guy who'd do the same for me ;)
Fried fish....yes please! You are a lucky lady! My husband refuses to cook because his meals won't taste "nearly as good". Yeah, nice try buddy.
wow, what a fabulous night! What a cook :) we love fish and chips at our house, that batter looks perfect!