How to Pack for Las Vegas - Work Edition
I’m at it again. I’m going on a trip! Weeee!
This time, I’m heading to Las Vegas for 5 days (ack) with work for our biggest trade show of the year. Though it is usually a lot of fun (and a lot of work), I am not looking forward to leaving Shaun for such a long time. At least when you are in Vegas, everything kind of feels like one long day so I’m hoping that it will fly by and I can get home to him in a flash :)
Just like when I went to Madrid and Zurich, my inner nerd gets soooooo happy at times like these. Traveling means lists and organizing and the challenge of squeezing just the appropriate amount of clothing into the smallest suitcase possible. It’s kind of fun in a weird, sick way.
So what am I packing? I find these kinds of trips to be the most challenging. I’m going to Vegas, which means fun, colorful outfits! But I’m also working, so looking professional is the top priority. And for the evening hours? Perhaps a little less stuffy, but still business appropriate (I guess that means I’ll be leaving my super cute romper at home...maybe...).
For the same trip last year, I consulted fashion expert and my BFF Catherine Sheppard over at The Life Styled. She’s pretty much a genius when it comes to fashion tips and plans based on personal style. I love her. This year, I’m following her same advice, so I can’t take credit for my planned outfits...but I will share with you the rundown of what I’m packing for Vegas and why.
I do lay out each outfit for each day that I will be traveling. I have 3 days at the conference and then evening events, for which I will likely change. There’s got to be more fun outfits for the evening - we are in Vegas after all!
Pencil skirts.
I might fall into the category of having a full-blown obsession with pencil skirts, especially in the summer time heat.
They are a nice fit for my smaller lower half (anywhere and everywhere above the hips is typically where I’m tormented), can be mixed and matched with a number of different tops, and they always take a look to the category of professional and put together. That’s what I’m going for. Oh and extra checks for the comfort factor.
Various tops.
I pick out specific ones that will match the skirts and bonus if a top will go with more than one...I love having options!
I bring a few extras in case I change my mind and tops take up little room in the suitcase, so I don’t mind throwing a few more into the mix.
Heels are a must. They just are. I’m bringing 2 pairs of pumps (a black and a nude) and a pair of heeled gladiator sandals for the evening.
Ok, I might also throw in one pair of flats just in case my feet are dying by the time Day 3 rolls around. But my general rule of thumb for this situation is...suck it up. Take Advil. Sometimes I just force myself to deal in order to look the part.
Nighttime Attire.
A couple of skirts with a few options for tops.This will be my plan for most evenings. It’s going to be HOT in Vegas, so I don’t think I will be wearing pants too often, BUT I am bringing one pair of jeans which can obviously go with just about every top in my suitcase.
I have a few black dresses that could easily work - possibly with a fun belt or accessories to make it more ‘nighttime in Vegas’ while still staying appropriate for going out with co-workers or clients. And ok, my romper is definitely coming with me (on the below right).
Both are perfect options for day or night. I’m bringing one white blazer (I love it’s crisp, summery vibe) and one black blazer (perfect for evening). I also threw in ¾ sleeve cardigans - one in black, one in white. Versatility is key!
Though admittedly I do own a nice collection of 'nice' jewelry, I love fun accessories. I have a full drawer of them, and I think they are the ideal way to make any outfit more fun. I added bangles, long necklaces and some dangly earrings. I also added 3 belts, which can be mixed and matched with all of my outfits for the week.
How do I fit all of this in one small carry-on sized suitcase? Well, let me tell you...I'm a master packer. I start by lining the bottom of the suitcase with my shoes.
Then, with the bigger items first, I get my roll on! Roll up those clothes as small as possible and start placing them in the suitcase, making sure to fill up all of the available space.
Layer the rolls of clothing until all of your clothes are snug as a bug in a rug.
On top, add your toiletry bag, flat iron, belts and blazers across the top. It will be a tight squeeze, but you can do it! Make sure your top piece is fully expanded. Here's the rundown of what I fit in this smallish suitcase:
3 pairs of high heels
6 skirts
10 tops
2 cardigans
1 blazer (I'm wearing the other one on the plane)
1 t-shirt
1 pair leggings
1 pair of jeans
1 black dress
1 romper
1 pair of shorts
3 belts
10 pairs of underwear
3 bras
8 pairs of HUE no-show socks (for inside the pumps)
1 toiletry bag
1 makeup bag
1 flat iron (I'm leaving my hair dryer home and will wing it with the hotel version!)
1 hair brush
Not too shabby, right? I'll be carrying on my laptop, Kindle and other goodies for some airplane fun. And there you have it. My {very} detailed rundown of what I'm bringing on my 5 day trip. So what do you think? What are your tips for fitting a lot of stuff in a small case? Or packing tips in general?

Reader Comments (11)
This is so helpful!! You are amazing. Let the games begin...
I love your outfits! Your suitcase is SO much more organized than mine ever is!
This is amazing!!!
you're so cute! I love that big red belt!
I'm kind of impressed... and a little scared! You are WAY more organized than I am - I basically bring everything I can when I travel until the suitcase won't close! This means that I ALWAYS forget something important!
Have a great time in Vegas!
you are my hero. I simply can't do this. I always overpack. It's like I might forget something and the places I'm going have no stores?!? i have a there a program for this??!? :)
This looks great all the outfits are adorable! I'm so jealous of you, have fun and can't wait for our sleepover next weekend!
I'm so jealous. My suitcase looks like my closet - which is not a good thing. I need to be a roller because my folding techniques never fit quite right!
girl you are an extreme expert packer! i'm in awe. have a great trip!
WOW! You're a packing machine! Good job on making it so organized and neat! Have a great time in Vegas...I hear it's going to be HOT! Keep hydrated!
Wow, I need to bookmark this post for my next trade show. Thanks so much for strategic packing advice!