Things I'm Loving
So remember that recipe that I was going to share with you on Friday? But my computer wasn't playing nice? I think the photos of said recipe actually corrupted my computer so I had to go ahead a delete them altogether. So no recipe today. I guess I'll just have to make it again soon ;)
Instead, I'm doing a Things I Love post! These are more fun anyway, right? I love taking a moment to recognize the things in life that are awesome and which are making me giddily happy on this Thursday morning. So let's get down to it, shall we?
Butter Lane Cupcakes. Kimberly and I took a cupcake making class there a few weeks ago, and this morning I woke up to an incredibly sweet honor - they have named me their blogger of the week! This means that TAA will be featured in their shop and that I will definitely be back their buying cupcakes this weekend :) If you haven't been there yet, I highly HIGHLY recommend it! I really love their cupcakes and the bakery is just adorable. Thanks Butter Lane!!
Lower temperatures. Call me crazy, but I'm ready for today's burst of cool air! I want it to feel like Christmas! Plus, I love wearing my winter hat. It's not quite snowy weather, but I am looking forward to the first one!
The smell of my Christmas tree. Ahhhhhh. It smells glorious. I love waking up the last few days, walking into the living room and getting a nice nostril full of fresh Frasier Fur fragrance. There is nothing better.
Homemade marshmallows. It happened. And they are spectacular. I cannot wait to share the recipe with you next week! They are so light, fluffy and absolutely delicious. You are definitely going to want to make these!
Late night Indian food. We live very close to Little India in Jersey City, which means top notch Indian food. It is one of my favorite cuisines and the perfect order-in dinner on a rainy, chilly evening. Goes perfectly with curling up on the couch and watching holiday movies ;)
Baking day! I will be doing this with my mom on Saturday and I cannot wait! Last year we made a big ol' mess of her beautiful kitchen, sampled lots of cookies and just had a really fun time :) Today I'll be putting a list of goodies together and seeing which ones from the Virtual Swap I'll be adding to the mix!
Speaking of the Virtual Cookie Swap Party, I'm still reeling from all the fun, all the eye candy and all of the A-mazing bloggers who participated! I love you all!
Up All Night. This is really one of my favorite new shows. I absolutely adore Will Arnett (though he'll always be Gob to me) and the whole show is just so cute and funny. Oh and that baby just makes my heart melt because of the cuteness!
So there you have it. All of my loves this week :)
Questions of the Day:
What are you loving this week?
What have you been cooking or baking lately?

Reader Comments (8)
oooh jealous you attempted the marshmellows. can't wait to see the recipe!
I am so proud to say I know the 'blogger of the week' ... congrats on that! So cool.
Home made marshmallows ... brilliant idea. They look aaaamazing.
Indian food and christmas cookies! And the tree looks so pretty! We have cats that I think would destroy a tree, so it's been a long time since I've had one. I might see if I can decorate a tree outside instead.
This week I've been baking pies and fig buckwheat bakes -- I love the excuse of the holidays for some good baking!
I've had such a craving for Indian food lately! There is a place around the corner from us but for some reason we are a little nervous to try it....its never very busy, but also new. Eek!
i'm sooo with you on the late-night indian! my husband works right near an excellent place, so on rainy or cold nights when he works a bit late, we always order from there + have a low-key, snuggly Indian food night at home. yum! speaking of homemade marshmallows, i think i'm going to try making some this weekend - should be fun + we can compare notes. =)
I reeeaaallly need to tackle the marshmallows. I've been drooling all over the thought of the homemade marshmallows.
I can't wait to see the marshmallow post! And congrats on your blogger of the week award, yay Butter Lane!! :)
blogger of the week???? what an honor! and well-deserved!!
don't you just love homemade marshmallows? I can't believe how great they turned out when I made them!