When Do You Blog?
Hi friends! Happy hump day!
I realized that I kind of stopped with the whole What About Me Wednesday thing. Mainly because I ran out of things to talk about! I'd love to bring these back though, if you are interested :) And if you are and have any questions or topics, please send them my way!
I am often asked the simple question of when I get my blogging done. I work a full time job in New York City (9+ hours/day plus 45 min each way for commuting time...I wince just thinking about that) and typically have a blog post up every weekday.
To be honest, I feel as though I am always blogging. I am always writing, always thinking about blogging, planning my blog posts, devising recipes, brainstorming ideas in my pink notebook, and snapping photos everywhere I go. Sometimes I think this is even to a fault, like when I'm not living my life as it should be - in the moment, not living to document it.
When it comes to writing my posts, I usually wake up before work at 6am to write my post and edit my photos. This takes about 1 hour (if all technology is behaving). I can be a chatterbox and I like for everything to be just so (I'm not a control freak, I swear), and therefore I think I spend more time than I'd like to on each post. But I always want to put out the best possible content for all of you who visit everyday and for new readers (and to be representative of myself) and so I'm committed to devoting that time for you and for me!
getting my cheese on in Spain
When it comes to cooking, baking, photographing and getting the recipes down on paper, I do this all the time. I make my meal plans on Sunday and try to get creative with at least one dinner per week that I'd want to share on the blog. In that case, I will cook and photograph as I make it that evening (leaving Shaun hungry and waiting patiently to eat). Admittedly, these are not my favorite photos because I'm not using natural light since it's typically dark out by this point.
My ideal situation is to cook or bake on Saturdays or Sundays when I can use the natural light on my terrace to take photographs. I'm nothing of a photographer, but I try my best to get good pics for you guys so you can see just how delicious these dishes are! When I use natural light, my photos come out more like this:
Regardless of when I'm cooking and photographing, I try to write the recipes as I do them because I have a tendency to easily forget minor adjustments that I may have made when it comes time to write a post.
There are definitely days when I get a post up that I am not 100% happy with because I need to run out the door for work (sometimes I even forgo my shower, but don't tell anyone that :)).
Malted Chocolate Cupcakes, made for Mom's birthday brunch!
I always call this blog my labor of love. I love it so much. I love cooking and baking and recipe writing. I love telling you all about what's going on in my life here in Jersey City with Shaun.
Some days, I don't want to blog. Some days, I feel so uninspired to come up with anything interesting to share with you. Some days, I feel like no one is reading or 'speaking' to me by leaving comments. I get frustrated and wonder why I do this at all.
And then I realize that I do it for me because it makes me happy and gives me a sense of personal fulfillment. I do it for you who read and comment (or lurk and don't comment - I love you too!) and send me emails with questions or a quick note to tell me they made one of my recipes. Friends, this makes me happier than you could ever imagine.
So that's how I get 'er done when it comes to blogging! I hope you are still liking the What About Me Wednesday series! I will try to keep it up if you are interested :) If you have any questions, send 'em my way!
Questions of the Day:
If you are a blogger, when do you blog?
For everyone: how do you balance work and personal life?
psst...Christine is blogging about canning in the rain this weekend to raise money for kids with cancer. She had me tearing up! I hope you'll check it out...

Reader Comments (10)
Ha! When do I blog. Whenever I have 5 minutes. Seriiously, if you see a post written on my blog it was written in 5 minute intervals through the day, same for comments I make on others blogs. With a 2 yr old running around I don't have time to actually sit and blog because the time i do have by myself I spend cooking! LOL!
I like your Wednesday posts! I wish I had a good question for you:-)
love this series! and love that apron! and love you!
I blog whenever I have time, lately, which isn't too often! I used to be a lot better about routine, but with my husband in school full time and me trying to expand my teaching gigs, I feel like that has sort of taken over. Although, I'm still cooking as much. I'm trying to make it a goal to document and write things down more, and get back to posting 3 times a week instead of once or twice...I also want to comment more on other people's blogs, because I've noticed my own posts have gotten less comments and reads in correlation to this...not that it matters, but it feels good to have others read! So, hopefully you'll hear more from me soon, in both comment form and blog post form :)
i usually do the majority of my cooking/baking on saturdays + sundays. in an ideal world, i'd edit photos + write up posts on sunday + schedule them to go out during the week. what actually happens is that i usually wind up writing the posts + editing the photos either the night before they're supposed to go out or on the morning of. blogging can be a lot of work but i love it!
I tend to blog in the morning, because if I don't then it is far less likely I'll blog in the afternoon. I am always thinking about blogging too and keep a Google Tasks app on my iPhone so I can continuously add to my list of post ideas. I'm glad I have so many ideas backed up but it puts pressure on me not to miss a day of posting!
It's hard isn't it? Life is about balance and sometimes it's hard to balance it all! weekends are best for photos and baking and cooking. I wish I was as faithful as you are everyday. loving this Wednesday post!
Getting my blog done is tricky business! I usually have to squeeze in time early in the morning or late at night. My daughter craves attention all throughout the day and since she is no longer taking naps....YEAH. It's been rough. But, so far so good! I'm keeping up with everything I need to!
First off, I have the same red flower bowl!! TJMaxx, right? :)
I blog when I come home from school everyday..or around 1. If I've had a really busy day, I'll put it off so I can just spend the time relaxing and being lazy.
I don't blog, I just read yours. Still a dedicated reader, Rachel!
-Melanie (kim's old teammate)