30 Things by My 30th Year: 2 Month Plus Update
When I turned 29 in July, I decided to put together a list of 30 goals that I hope to achieve by the time I hit 30 next year. Here's my monthly update!
1. Learn how to knit
2. Learn how to use a sewing machine
I had a date with my Mom on Saturday to do some sewing and cooking. I am not ready to cross this off the list since I still have a long way to go. I started making a Fall table runner. I will share it with you when it’s done!
3. Start taking vitamins (for real. Not just buying them & stashing them under the sink)
4. Lose 10-15 pounds and maintain it (!!) I want to look like this again:
I lost 3 so far! (Nope, no more than last month :( )
5. Be better about correspondence with friends; Skype with the friends I’m missing across the country!
I started using Google video chat with my good friend Maggie, who left NJ to move back to Missouri. We have a date every other week...so far we’ve chatted twice! I still have some other friends on my list with which to set this up...
6. Learn how to properly use my DSLR - the manual setting, white balance, the whole shebang!
I took a DSLR workshop in September. Though I still have a lot of practicing to do (especially when it comes to exposure and composition), I’m ready to cross this off the list because I understand the mechanics...it’s just a matter of putting it into practice! I took DSLR Workshops by Okello Dunkley - I highly recommend if you are in the market!
Greek layer dip - a perfect game day eat!
7. Get our entire home painted via professional painter and lit via professional electrician
I have 3 lighting fixtures in my possession and am scheduling the electrician today! (!!) I also found a painter, who is coming at the end of October. Now I just have to officially pick out paint colors!
8. Organize our den/office so that it is cute and inviting...not serving as a giant storage closet
Still a work in progress. It’s not cute and inviting. We did order a small filing cabinet to match Shaun’s desk, and I plan to clean out a bunch of stuff in the coming weeks.
9. Call my Dad once a week
I haven’t done this. I need to change it.
10. Call, Skype or email with my sister Christine at least once a week
I haven’t done this either, though we have communicated briefly each week regarding The Peach & The Pit.
11. Find paid freelance assignments
12. Write a book
13. Meet my Dad for lunch or dinner in New York City
14. Devise organizational system for my shoes
15. Find a spot for my cookbooks where they will be easily accessible...and used!
I started plotting out my kitchen office nook. I have a desk built and shelves to hang. The cookbooks will go there and I cannot wait!
16. Watch 10 classic films
17. Try bone marrow
Done! At BLT Steak, as a surprise addition to our shared rib-eye
18. Get my wedding album made (before our 4th anniversary)
19. Read 5 classic novels (suggestions?)
20. Visit a new US city
I’m going to Albuquerque in 2 weeks for my cousin’s wedding! I can’t wait! I may also be adding Santa Fe to this list while we’re out there. I'm just hoping for a Jesse Pinkman sighting...
21. Make a budget & stick to it, making it possible to grow our savings!
22. Unplug - turn off my computer at a reasonable hour after work. Put the Blackberry on silence. Enjoy quality time with my husband that isn’t disrupted by Facebook, Twitter, the blog, work emails, etc.
I’ve been trying to do this by quitting all of these applications by 9pm each night. I’m trying to get it down to 8pm!
23. Make things happen for myself, instead of waiting for them to happen to me.
I’m working on this in my head right now!
24. Buy a piece of art. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. But something Shaun and I like!
25. Learn how to make my mom’s famous tomato sauce & meatballs
On our Saturday date, my mom gave me the tutorial for her best ever, most amazing of all time meatballs and sauce. I came home with a giant stockpot filled with sauce and meatballs. Every bite tastes like home. We enjoyed some for dinner last night...and will be enjoying them for a while :)
26. Make at least one new recipe from each cookbook in my collection
Rocco DiSpirito's Now Eat This: Sloppy Joe's
America’s Test Kitchen - Chewy Sugar Cookies
Betty Crocker Cooky Book - Trix Cookies (morphed into Golden Grahams cookies)
Peas & Thank You - Spanish Quinoa, Chocolate Chip Cookies w/Sea Salt
27. Host a girl’s night with all my best ladies
28. Eat at 10 new restaurants in New York City
BLT Steak
Gusto Organics
29. Make a Top 30 Of All Time playlist...what would your list include?
So far:
Van Morrison - Days Like This
Jackson Browne - Stay/Roadie Song
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
30. Take time to enjoy life, recognize how lucky I am and spend time with my husband, family and friends. At the end of the day, that's what matters, right?
I try to do this every day!
So there you have it. I've been pretty busy over the last couple of months. I'm really to take some of these things from half way finished to completely crossed off the list!
Questions of the Day:
What goals do you have in your life right now? Big or small?
What goals have you accomplished lately?
Reader Comments (4)
I SO want a DSLR for Christmas... and a class to go with it! that's a lotta goals, girlfriend. I'm impressed!
looks like you're doing pretty well on your list so far! i need to sit down + make some solid, actual goals. i tend to simply go day-by-day, rather than having bigger, long-term goals, + that's something i'd like to work on. =)
I'm so impressed at how much progress you have made! I'm afraid to make any lists like that because I don't think I'd do anything lol. Maybe once things calm down I should:-)
I'm awful at keeping in touch :(
let's try and set up a skype this week!