The Going-Meatless Challenge
...for a week.
But let me back up. When I left you last, I had just arrived in Atlanta for a quick work trip. Shaun joined me and we had a great weekend! We had an uh-mazing(!!!) dinner at the Buckhead Diner and then nabbed last minute tickets to the Falcons-Packers game (which sadly did not turn out to be a good game at all, but was still fun to be there!).
We changed our flight to arrive early yesterday and make it in time to see the Jetties crush the Patriots, so everyone is happy in the Humiston house. I also have a fun roundup of the Buckhead Diner coming at you this week, but first I wanted to make a quick announcement.
Shaun and I have decided to go meatless for one week. A couple of weeks ago, I brought up the notion of going vegan. You know, just to think about it. Could I do it? Is it something that I’ve always balked at, but perhaps might be a good thing for sustaining my life? Shaun was not necessarily pleased. I was talking to a master meat griller after all.
Not that I was seriously considering this as a life change (or even know that much about it, as a matter of fact), but I have become interested in the topic and have been questioning its merits. The next day, Shaun came around a little. He might be a master griller, but he’s also been reading Omnivore’s Dilemma (I’ve tried but I just can’t get ‘er done). He suggested that perhaps we should try going vegetarian for a week and see how it goes. At a minimum, we’ve both been questioning where the meat we eat comes from. The more we think about it and talk about it, the more apparent it is that we seem to have our very own omnivore’s dilemma. So here’s the thought process behind this week’s challenge:
First and foremost, I actually want to give up meat for a week in order to force the issue of a more plant-based diet. We don’t eat nearly enough fruits and veggies. In fact, for a long time, I couldn’t even envision a lunch or dinner feeling fulfilling without some sort of chicken (at least) as the star of the dish. This really needs to change. Regardless of meat quality, the reality is that we need to be eating way more vegetables - that whole 50-25-25 thing on your plate and eating less of this:
...and more of this:
Secondly, I need to find something to hold myself accountable to. I’ve gotten into some bad habits over the last few months of eating things that I shouldn’t be eating more often than not. As I try to get myself back on track, I’m ready and excited to tackle this first challenge! (Note: I know that cutting out meat is not necessarily a healthy way to lose weight without counting calories, etc, but my hope is that by forcing more fruits and veggies, this will happen naturally without feeling like dieting).
Thirdly, that whole where is my meat coming from? issue that we all know and love.
The plan:
We’re giving up meat for 1 week, starting today.
There’s no limitation on dairy, eggs or fish. Though we don’t particularly eat a ton of fish anyway, so I don’t foresee this being a big issue.
We’re going to be eating lots and lots of fruits and vegetables.
We'll reevaluate how we move forward at the end of the week. That all being said, I don’t foresee myself ever completely giving up a great cheeseburger or pastrami sandwich in the long run.
Because part of my love for food is eating all of it (and I have a brand new 10 lbs to prove it). But at the very least, I could potentially see myself limiting my meat intake to locally sustained farming or for specific occasions that do not include a ham and cheese sandwich from the local bodega (ack).
And to keep it fresh and fun for both Shaun and me and for all of you as I track this week’s eatings, I’m working on a full-blown menu plan which I hope will keep us on track and excited about food this week! I can’t wait to share it!
So I’m guessing you guys are going to have lots of opinions on this and I cannot wait to hear them! Are you all for going veg? Do you think it’s a wasted effort? This isn’t something that I’m completely swayed on one way or the other for the long term, so I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter!
Psst...tomorrow I've got another fun announcement - The Avid Appetite turns 1!

Reader Comments (10)
Kudos to you, Rachel. I think this is a great idea. I eat a mostly plant-based diet and I'm very proud of it. I started about a year ago, inspired by the Mayo Clinic diet and by Michael Pollan's Food Rules and other books. It completely changed my outlook on food. I eat a TON of fruits and veggies (I'm talking 4-5 fruits a day, plus at least 5 cups of veggies, often more), very little protein (1-2 servings of dairy and 1-2 SMALL servings of other stuff like beans, fish, and sometimes chicken or meat), and healthy whole grain carbs (3-4 servings a day). Also nuts and healthy fats. I have never felt better in my life, and I lost 25 pounds without counting, measuring, or feeling deprived.
I think you're making a smart move by going 'cold turkey' (or should I say 'cold tofu' :) ) for a week. It'll give you a sense for what it'd be like. One thing I would caution you about, though, is that you and your hubby don't have to commit to a meat-free life. I eat meat when I feel like it, usually once a week or so, and I don't feel any guilt.
Good luck and please keep us posted!
I can't wait to see how your week goes! My vegan week starts tomorrow and my husband's vegetarian week. I don't mind cutting out the meat, but I have a feeling no eggs and dairy is going to be very challenging for 7 days. I am seeing it as a forced "cleanse" where I will really have to think about what I am putting into my body! Good luck!!
Rivki, that is SO great to hear! I'm so excited for how this will turn out for us. I'm hoping that by the end of next week I don't miss the meat at all!
Lauren, you have to keep me posted on the vegan diet! If this goes well, I might try that next, though I agree that no dairy is a new level of difficulty!! Good luck!
I consider myself a flexible Vegan. I read skinny bitch and went vegetarian for 9 months. Then heard that if you have a skin burn and need a graft you need animal protein-and just the minor chance that might happen I started eating chicken again, lol. Then I went completely vegan/raw for 6 months and now i eat mainly all vegan with a side of goat cheese and pizza on occasion. I grew up NEVER eating veggies and then only fruits would be strawberries w/sugar or apples with cinnamon. My family still is in shock over how I eat now. Steak used to be my go-to, I don't crave it at all anymore! The only thing I occasionally miss is meatballs, which is weird bc I never used to be a big meatball fan! lol....good luck with the week-can't wait to see what meals you come up with! Go creative:)
I have unofficially given up meat as of a week and a half ago. I am still eating goat cheese in small amounts, and eggs and fish are still on the menu. I used to always have to have meat at every meal too, and in the last couple years I had decreased my meat consumption substantially, but lately I have just felt moved to give it up, so I'm giving it a shot. So far so good :)
I made a rule. The only meat that comes into our house must be free range, treated with the highest most humane practices, local, and pasture raised/grass fed. Boy is it pricey... but worth every penny.
Go online and hunt for "In Defense of Food" -- it's similar to omnivores dilemma and written by michael pollan but it comes in an audio book... I listen to every few months. OB-SESSED!
love this post. more fruits and veggies and higher quality foods is totally what I stand for! I'm here for support!!! <3
I think this is a great idea and have been thinking about this. While I'm not ready to call myself a vegetarian, I know that I have really cut down significantly on my meat and I really don't miss it! I find myself being more creative with substitutions and I find that alot of it is more tasty! :) I'm excited to see how your week goes - and happy early anniversary girl!
I follow the same diet as a pescatarian, not limiting fish, eggs, or dairy. It was hard at first but it's actually really easy now- no red meat cravings at all!! Going totally vegetarian/vegan would definitely be a huge challenge, though as eggs, dairy, and fish are a HUGE part of my diet. Good luck to you with the pescatarian path!
Good luck Rachel! Ive been meat free now for 12 years! I cant believe its been that long! Its easy to eat carbs instead of veggies some days but for the most part I eat lots of fruits and veggies. I also eat my fair share of beans and eggs. I dont know if this is the right word but I defintely feel cleaner. When I stopped eating meat, I cut out red meat and then 3 weeks later I cut out chicken. I was 16 and trying not to shock my body. But for a week I think your plan is a good one.
Love this challenge and I am excited for you guys to take a walk on the veggy side! Can't wait to see what you have in store for the week. Good luck to you and Shaun - happy, healthy, and yummy eating.