Talk Back: How Do You Do Takeout?
Every Monday morning, I make a plan for the week to detox myself in order to make up for all of the weekend wrongdoings. Usually by Wednesday, however, I've just about had it with practically starving myself (at least that's what it feels like, anyway). And the thought of cooking by Wednesday night? Not so much. This is about the time of the week that Shaun and I decide to hit up our little take-out menu box (a sweet gift from my mom and sisters for my bridal shower) and pick out some delectable eats to be delivered right to our very own, apartment building.
I'm not going to lie...the takeout options in Jersey City are pretty limited. Although Hoboken is just a hop, skip and a jump away, many of their restaurants just don't deliver, are sub-par in delivery quality or have recently been closed down due to health issues (eek...Junior's Papaya, RIP). We do have a few staples in the repetoire, like sushi, Indian food, and pizza (though due to an unfortunate incident during the last takeout sesh, in which our pizza was two hours late and cold, they've been yes, we are in fact looking for a good pizza recommendation in Hoboken or the JC!) Komegashi Too sushiOh, and while a new and fabulous Five Guys (burgers and fries!) recently opened in the Jerz, they don't deliver and getting to them would require a team effort of getting our car from the garage and driving over so one of us can run in while the other does the illegal parking/circling the block routine...not really ideal.
So what I want to know is, how do YOU do takeout? Do you go delivery style or pick up? What's your favorite takeout cuisine? Do you have a designated takeout night?

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