Free Food & Film: I Want This All The Time
On Wednesday I attended the Third Annual NYC Food Film Festival at the new Water Taxi Beach at the South Street Seaport, a location I had yet to visit.
Especially when the theme of the free food was 'deep fried'...yum! Food was also available for purchase...but isn't chasing down the tray-of-free-grub-carrying-girl part of the fun? While I wasn't able to stay the whole night, I was able to score some fried cheese curds (not sure what this means...curds sounds icky, but it was like deep fried mozzerella...and it was delicious, curd and all)...
...and I pushed my way through the crowd to score 2 corn dogs, a food that when thinking about, I feel embarrassed that I think they are delicious...but they just are, I don't care how silly I look whilst eating one.

Wednesday, June 17th
Come Have An Omelette With Me
Clam Pie
The Sacred Food
Eat Your Fill
24 Hours, 24 Million Meals: Feeding New York City
Come Have An Omelette With Me
Clam Pie
The Sacred Food
Eat Your Fill
24 Hours, 24 Million Meals: Feeding New York City
Free Food Menu:
Fried Cheese Curds
Corn Dogs
Clam Pies