Tackling a {really long} to-do list
Since I arrived home from vacation, I've felt an overwhelming sense of...being overwhelmed. Though it's not quite mid-August, the end of vacation has kind of signaled the fact that the F word {Fall...ssshhhh} is inevitably creeping up on us. Somehow, all of those things that I've put off doing all summer like thoroughly cleaning my apartment must be tackled. And I'm slightly freaked out.
When I arrived home, I immediately started realizing all of these things that I've gotten away with not doing since we are so busy on the summer weekends doing fun things - like attending barbecues, hitting the beach and spending time with friends and family. Not to mention that Aruba was my 4th trip since mid-May (Spain/Switzerland, Las Vegas, Orlando and Aruba). It makes me want a vacation from everything in life, just to get my life in order. Alas, I don't think that's going to happen.
Yesterday, I felt really depressed. I know it's silly. I literally have nothing in my life to be depressed over. I'm healthy. My family is healthy. Shaun and I are employed. We just went on a fantastic vacation. I am so lucky. But I couldn't shake the feeling of just being unhappy...perhaps because I felt so daunted by all of the things that await me. The list in my head included everything from rescheduling my dentist appointment (which I missed in mid-July due to my Orlando trip) and finally getting around to changing my last name on my frequent flyer account to getting all of my laundry done & put away and the little task of decorating our entire apartment. Some small things...and some pretty big things.
By the time last night rolled around, I had had it with feeling blue. I decided to take action, instead of waiting for things to happen.
I started by tidying up my apartment. Somehow, just taking an hour to get things in order made a huge difference. I unpacked the suitcase that had been sitting in our kitchen. I started my laundry. I did all the dishes and wiped down my kitchen countertops. I cleared our dining table of junk mail, headbands, business cards and other 'stuff' that had accumulated. Suddenly I felt a lot better.
I pulled out my notebook and made a really, really long list. Here are a few things that graced my pages:
Reschedule dentist appt
Dermatologist appt (tomorrow)
Catch up on emails (via Gmail & FB)
Plan blog posts
Renew driver's license (yep, it expired on 7/31...woops)
Update frequent flyer info (so I can get my miles)
Create budget spreadsheet
Look into ABQ flights for my cousin's wedding
Go to the bank
Pick up contact solution
Put suitcases away
Start home project spreadsheet, by room
Clean up the terrace (which we've hardly even used this summer)
The list goes on and on. But if I can get a few things accomplished each day, I will get there! I hope :)
Find ways to simplify my life. I spend a lot of time online, blogging, reading other blogs, pinning, etc. As much as I love all of these things, perhaps it's time to find a way to cut back just a tad. Even 30 minutes a day would help immensely. I'm also going to look into hiring a cleaning service to come a couple of times a month. I think this will help so much with my mental well-being (even if I do feel a bit guilty about it).
So there you have it. A few ways that I'm trying to tackle my to-do list. On a happier and more fun note, Shaun and I are finally going to see Harry Potter tonight! Wahooo!
Questions of the Day:
Do you ever feel overwhelmed or daunted by how much you have going on in your life?
How do you stay calm and collected {and productive} during it all?