Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Home Improvements

Just like any project, The Avid Appetite is a constantly evolving, living organism. With it, I hope to not only wet your appetite with tales of seriously fabulous eats, but to make this an interactive place for fellow foodies that's easy to navigate. So I'm happy to introduce some improvements around here that I hope will make your experience a great one. Since I'm a one woman show, updates will be gradual, however, I'm pleased to show off the first order of business...to easily find what you're looking for. TAA features two ways to navigate the site. The top navigation...

And the side navigation...


Check out the top navigation bar and the side bar. Click on Recipes. Previously, you would have been brought to an unhelpful, full length journal of recipe articles. But now, when you click on Recipes, you'll get a full list of links, sorted by topic. So when you want to find out how to make fig jam, pizza dip, or even Thanksgiving turkey, just check out the Recipes tab for easy finding.

Restaurant Roundups

One of the perks of living near Manhattan is the abundance of restaurant options at my proverbial finger tips. Now you can easily find restaurant reviews, sorted by category. Looking for a serious slice of pizza? Itching to find out about Baba Booey's Crumbs cupcake (and what's a Baba Booey, anyway?)? Find it all here.


In addition to food, one of my favorite pasttimes is traveling the world and yes, sampling local goods. Now, you can easily find travel destinations with food wrap ups just by clicking on Travel in the top navigation bar and Around the World on the side navigation. Curious about fried cheese sandwiches and beer in Prague? Not sure how to do breakfast in Aruba? I hope to keep adding to this section specifically, so stay tuned!

Sneak peek: Coming soon, TAA will be requesting reader submissions! Whether food photos, reviews, questions, tales from the road, or anything else food related, TAA wants to hear from you!