My New Favorite Thing This Side of the Hudson
So I told you that Shaun and I had a fun night at the movies on Saturday.
But it wasn't just any movie-viewing experience.
After my parents raved about the new dine-in movie theater near them, Shaun suggested we give it a try and see Limitless. I shouted a resounding yes! (And not only for a chance to see Bradley Cooper up close, either).
click image for source...that is not Shaun and me :)
So as you may imagine, this is no ordinary theater. The theater was filled with large, plush leather recliners equipped with tray tables for eating and drinking. As soon as we sat down, all I wanted was to put my feet up...luckily my seat reclined!
We had arrived about 15 minutes before the show to pick up our tickets, get settled in and order our food. Our waitress brought over a little cup of cookies & cream popcorn...don't mind if I do! And you know I'm not opposed to dessert before dinner :) Shaun and I also ordered a bucket of beer to enjoy throughout the show. Now this is the kind of thing I could get used to!
For dinner, Shaun enjoyed a chicken quesadilla while I ordered the chicken fingers with fries (a throwback to my favorite meal as a teenager).
It was a great way to enjoy the movie! As Shaun and I kept repeating, Wow this isn't terrible, we were reluctant to have to leave at the end of the show. Oh and the movie was decent too :)
So that's how Shaun and I spent Saturday night. A little dinner and a movie, all rolled into one! Now I think it will be tough to go back to a regular ol' theater after this one. After all, the best part is that you have space and are nowhere near the other movie goers. Now that is something I could get used to.
So what do you think? Have these theaters sprang up near you? What's your favorite local spot?