Individual Pumpkin Pie Trifles
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Hi friends.
I had a difficult week last week. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I'm like still grieving over this silly kitten (or Cat, as we called her; our attempt to not get attached to her. #FAIL). We found a fantastic home for her and she left us on Saturday :( ---->me
Many of you have asked the simple question of why we couldn't just keep her. The truth is that though we totally fell in love with her, the logistics of having a cat for the next 15 years is just not something we were willing to commit to. And that's really what it came down to (the thought of a litter box in our small home especially once babies are in the picture, scratching at the furniture, leaving a kitten home alone all day while we're at work, etc); we just didn't think it would work for us in the long run. But we still love Cat, and even now I tear up thinking about her and her cute little face, leathery kisses and her overall sweet disposition. Oh and the non-stop purring. Love that.
Ok, I'm done with kitten talk now.
So obviously, I've been a silly emotional wreck.
I spent most of Saturday and Sunday cooking and baking, if only to keep my mind busy and my tears at bay (I may or may not have hid in the bathroom when Susan came to pick up Cat). I'm a lot better with bottling my feelings until I'm ready to talk about them ;) And then I unload them all on you.
So of course with cooking and baking in mind, it was beyond time to break out some pumpkin, an ultimate comfort food in my opinion. I whipped up this super easy pumpkin pie trifle in no time.
There's no baking, no cooking, no muss no fuss. It's the perfect dessert for a pumpkin emergency. It's basic enough for a Sunday night on the couch, but chic enough for a small dinner party. I just love individual desserts...I have a feeling that you and your future guests will too!
Individual Pumpkin Pie Trifles
1 pkg sugar free, fat free vanilla pudding mix
2 C skim milk
1 C pumpkin puree
3/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
6 low fat graham crackers
1 tbsp butter, melted
1 1/2 C whipped cream or Cool Whip
In a mixing bowl, whisk together the pudding mix and milk for 2 minutes. While it soft sets, stir in the pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice. Refrigerate for 5 minutes (at least; longer is ok too). Meanwhile, place the graham crackers in a food processor and pulverize. Add the melted butter, which will just slightly moisten the grahams.
In 4 glasses, layer a spoonful of graham crackers followed by a couple spoonfuls of pumpkin pie pudding and whipped cream. Repeat the layers.
Serve it up and enjoy! These can also be made in advance; simply cover each trifle with plastic wrap and refrigerate. In fact, these are even better when they sit in the fridge for a few hours since the graham cracker crumbs soften.
Grab a spoon and dig in. Fall is here!
So that's what's going on with me. This trifle is so easy and really tastes like delicious, comforting, decadent pumpkin pie with whipped cream...except it's with a fraction of the calories or baking time! Please try it. I know you'll love it.
Questions of the Day:
What's your go to comfort food?
What's the easiest dessert you've ever whipped up?
psst...I'm blogging all about motivating myself to get back to the gym over on The Peach & The Pit today!