Good morning all! Last night I had a slumber party with my sisters at Kimberly's apartment. It was complete with red velvet fro yo, mullets and blog talk. You are definitely going to want to head over to The Peach & The Pit to see some pretty funny pics of yours truly and read all about Christine's leaving for college tomorrow! {sad face}

As a blogger, busy career woman, wife, home owner, recipe creator and craft lover, I'm always on the lookout for inspiration. And it doesn't always simply stare me in the face, either. Especially when it comes to writing this blog. There are many times that I feel totally inspired to create delicious and interesting things to share, and other times when...I just don't. There are times when I feel so ready to tackle my never-ending to do list. And times when I'm ready to simply pick up a paint roller and get crack-a-lackin' on decorating our apartment already.
But sometimes...I don't.
What do I do during those times?
I try my hardest to look for inspiration in lots of other places, including the world around me.

Blogs. I read a lot of them and am constantly impressed by them. I adore finding new ideas, looking atpretty things, and simply reading about other people's journeys and how
they stay inspired. The blogging community never ceases to amaze me. Check out my
Blogroll for just a handful of the blogs I read everyday.
Magazines. I love 'em. From People & Entertainment Weekly to Self & Marie Claire, I'll happily read the lot of them. Shaun got me a subscription to Food Network Magazine, Cooking Light and Real Simple. I love these mags. When it comes to food and organization, it's hard not to want to get to it when reading these guys. My good friend Kristen had the wonderful idea to create and even helped me organize a giant recipe binder to keep track of all my tear out pages. I'll give you the tutorial sometime if you are interested.

TV shows. I know I'm a crazy pop culture junkie, but I love TV. It makes me happy. And it's hard not to get lost in the worlds that these brilliant writers have created. Or to want to be great friends with the characters. I just named my fantasy football team after something from Breaking Bad. It's lame and silly but it makes me happy and giggly inside when I log in and see the name with the funny icon that I found. If you remember, I also went on a mission to create black and white sandwich cookies after seeing them in an episode of Shameless. Call me crazy...or inspired.

Friends & Family. My friends and family never stop amazing and inspiring me. Everyone leads fascinating lives, many of which are different than my own. I love seeing how my friends have decorated their homes, created recipe binders, organized their closets. I love seeing the latest table centerpiece that my mom created for my cousin's engagement party this weekend. I love getting new make up tutorials and rundowns from my sister Christine. And I love taking tips from Kim on how to manage my to do list. My dad inspires me to never stop being ambitious. And Shaun inspires me to love and be happy every single day.
Pinterest. I get excited every time I sign on to Pinterest because I can't wait to see what those I'm following are pinning that day. It makes me happy to see what things makes others happy. And I love borrowing their ideas. Most of all, I love having a place to catalogue my own inspiration so that I can refer back to it when I'm feeling not-so-inspired.
So there you have it. Just a few places where I try to find inspiration when I'm just not feeling it!
Question of the Day:
Where do you look for and find inspiration?