Food, Fun, and Freebies at Winter's Eve
Featuring cheap-o food (in price, not quality) from local, high end restaurants and bakeries, live entertainment, bright holiday lights, people on stilts, long lines, and even a little tree lighting, this festival was one not to be missed...even though the day long rain beforehand had me questioning it for a while. Though the festival stretches from the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle all the way up to 68th street, I was indeed slightly deterred by the rain and therefore only did the Time Warner circuit, armed with a pal and following my How To Do The Festival Circuit guidelines. Let's dig in, shall we?
First Stop: Whole Foods
What: Free holiday food samples
Free turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce, all jammed together in one little dixie cup. Thanksgiving never tasted so good.
Rum and almond stollen, a delicious sweet bread with bits of raisins and almonds, similar in variety to panettone.
Sharp cheddar cheese dunked in sweet cranberry relish. I don't need to go into my thoughts on sweet 'n savory...(hint: I'm obsessed).
Second Stop: Williams-Sonoma
What: Free samples of their famous hot chocolate and peppermint bark
A total splurge in the wallet and calorie department, but for a free tiny cup? I'm all over it.
One of my favorite holiday treats, peppermint bark. And I truly haven't found a better version than Williams-Sonoma. Though I've tried to recreate the recipe, it just doesn't compare.
Third Stop: Landmarc
What: Free cotton candy
Fourth Stop: Outside Time Warner
What: Cheap food samples from big, pricey restaurants
After having my dessert before dinner (hey, it's a food fest!) I stopped by the Landmarc tent for some oricchette (disc-shaped pasta) with sausage in cream sauce. For a mere $4, I got a full cup o'fresh pasta and the perfect warming, savory dish.
So that's my tale of Winter's Eve. I was bummed not to explore more - other food stands included Bar Masa, 'wichcraft, Magnolia Bakery, Bar Boulud, and P.J. Clarke's (though I did also pick up a Bouchon bite from Bouchon Bakery for a buck) - my stomach just really couldn't take anymore and the lifted rain had left behind a path of cold.
So what do you think? A fest worth checking out? All told, the night set me back $8 - not bad for a Monday. Any other food fests or free samples are out there this month?