Thanks for all of your suggestions on footwear after Friday's post. I'm sorry to report that I wore my new high top Converse for most of the weekend and today my feet are killing me...please send help!
I love holiday weeks.
The streets are quiet, the trains are empty and there's excitement in the air!
This weekend, we celebrated Easter a week early with my side of the family...or as I'm lovingly calling it, fEaster (as in fake Easter). The whole family (minus a few) gathered at my aunt's house for a long day of eating, beveraging, scavenger hunting and, well, more eating.

Saturday was absolute perfection in the weather department and it was so refreshing to just be outdoors after such a long and trying winter, especially at their house in western Jerz. So much open air and land, it sometimes makes me wonder why I love city living...

Though this wasn't Penelope's first Easter celebration, it was the first in which she kinda sorta figured out hunting for Easter eggs. And by that, I mean we laid a bunch in the grass for her to pick up and immediately devour their contents.

My aunt prepped such a sweet mini egg hunt for her, filling up patterned plastic eggs with special toddler-friendly treats. Among them were animal crackers, gerber nuggets filled with blueberry jam, and Penelope's favorite, yogurt melts.
Penelope soon realized that not all of the eggs were created equal and proceeded to open and pour out the animal cracker and nugget filled eggs. She'd drop them right in the grass and then hunt for more of the yogurt melt variety. Once she found any of those eggs, she proceeded to immediately devour the melts on the spot.

She also had to fend off fun with Jake, my aunt's French bulldog, and one of the sweetest dogs around. He wasn't raised around kids or babies, but he is so calm and gentle around Penelope and she loves feeding (or fake feeding) him and trying to do 'gentle' while petting him. #penelopelovesjake #getthiskidadog

In the end, this pretty much summed up Penelope's day:

We also celebrated my cousin Alyson's birthday...

And dined on lots of Eastery treats, like these cutie bunny and chick cupcakes that she made:

Along with a bunny Peeps cake that my mom made:

Since my life is sadly no longer condusive to baking (sniffle), I picked up this Ube Overload cake from a bakery in my neighborhood. So Eastery, right? And so yummy to boot.

It was a great day and we were all completely spent by the time we arrived home late Saturday evening. I'm still recovering today, and am also excited that we still have actual Easter to look forward to this coming weekend!
Have a great week, everyone!
Happy Passover to those who are celebrating this week!
How did you spend your weekend?