TBT: My Favorite Posts Over the Last 5 Years
{doing a happy pie crust dance, circa 2011}
It's hard to believe, but this past weekend marked 5 years since I started The Avid Appetite.
5 years.
We all know how quickly time flies, and well, these last 5 years certainly have. I started blogging as a way to work some creativity into my life. I had always been a writer and had dreams of becoming a journalist, a novelist, a screen writer, a TV writer. Instead, I became a blogger and it's enriched my life in so many ways. Not only did it help land me a job all those years ago (because I finally had real writing samples!) that would become a career that I love and look forward to each day, but it has also been with me through some of the biggest and most special moments of my life.
{we rang in TAA's 2nd birthday with this dainty little cupcake}
I don't usually make a big deal about blog anniversaries, and some years have gone by with nary a notice. But this year, I've taken some time to reflect on just how important this blog is to me. It's documented my journey as a writer, as a cook, a baker, a wife, a friend, a daughter, and as a mother. And though there are waves of time when I leave the blog alone, when days or weeks may go by without a post, I'm always thinking about my blog and how to make it better; about what new content I can share. How can I keep it interesting? How can I find the motivation to write? How can I squeeze in the time to make this a great place for friends to come and feel at home, when I feel as though there just aren't enough hours in the day? It's not easy, but I do it because I love it. I can't imagine my life without it, or without all of you who come and read and interact and comment and who have become friends to me. So please, don't stop stopping by. Even if you read and don't comment (I know there are a lot of you out there!), I hope that you enjoy what I put out into the world, and that some of my posts have added something to your life. And I want to say Thank You. Because you've added something to mine. I look forward to comments and interaction more than you know. I love that I've become real life friends with other readers and bloggers. What a wonderful community this is!
For today's Throwback Thursday, I thought it would be fun to spotlight some of my own favorite posts over the last 5 years of The Avid Appetite. I hope you enjoy!
Food Stuff:
If you are in the market for a great party platter, try a rustic cheese board
I really miss making this roasted shrimp with fennel & feta
These individual egg cups are still a breakfast staple in our house
I often refer back to this lightened up, simple turkey meatloaf for dinner
It's almost Irish soda bread season and this is the best one I've ever had
One of my all-time favorite fails: this green velvet Jets cake
I fell hard for these cookie butter M&M bars
Layered Oreo cakes bars will make you the star of any party, any time
One of my all-time favorites: loaded butterscotch blondies + salted chocolate glaze
A beautiful, pillowy summertime treat: pineapple coconut dream bars
Please give me pretzel-crusted brownies with fluffy buttercream everyday until the end of time
These lovely malted chocolate cupcakes that I made for my Mom's birthday a few years ago
Blue velvet Giants cupcakes for their Superbowl run
Dexter season premiere cupcakes that got a lot of buzz
One time I threw a True Blood theme party
I almost forgot about these chocolate-dipped fruit pops in marshmallow sauce
Celebrate St. Patricks Day with these chocolate stout mini cakes
12 go-to kitchen tools; this list still rings true in our house!
How I helped my BFF make 350 truffles for her engagement party
Individual red velvet Oreo cheesecakes --->perfect for Valentine's Day
Non-Food Stuff:
When do you start feeling like an adult? Now that I'm a Mom, I do feel like one. Sometimes.
Our dream destination wedding in Aruba
Enjoying our 'lasts' before baby
Penelope Jane's birth story, part i, ii, iii
Penelope's first birthday --->this already feels like so long ago, and we are approaching her 2nd birthday in just a couple of weeks!
The ugliness of Mom judgement (or: why can't we all just be friends?)
Traveling with a toddler or kiddo? I have 35 tips for toddler airline travel
10 things to know about sending your kids to daycare
9 tips for all of you new parents out there
Here's a quick look at a day in my life
...and finally, the very first post that started it all.
There are so many, many more posts that I could add to this list, but these are just some of my all-time favorites! I hope you've enjoyed reading them as much as I've enjoyed writing! Please continue hanging out with me!