Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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What time do you go to sleep at night?


Today's post is a little random, but it's what I'm feeling today! I didn't do What I Ate Wednesday this week because I had planned to photograph yesterday and my eats seemed eerily similar to last week's. I thought perhaps I'll take a break this round and pick it up again next week! (Christine is doing it though, if you are looking for some foodspiration!)

This week got off to a rocky start since Penelope and I slept at my parents house on Sunday night so that we could have a little Oscar party with my mom and sisters. This meant going to sleep late after that marathon of a show (and I didn't even make it until the end), and waking up extra early to drive back to Jersey City, drop P off at school and get myself to the office. Oh and I sat in a whole lotta traffic on Monday morning. So in short, I started off the week feeling pretty sleepy!

On a typical night, Penelope goes to sleep around 8, Shaun and I eat dinner at 8:30, we watch TV for a while on the couch and start getting ready for bed around 10. If I'm being honest, I usually feel pretty tired on most days, and I don't have a newborn or infant to blame. Penelope is a champion overnight sleeper. She typically sleeps 8pm - 7:15am! So I really can't complain.

For the last couple of nights in particular, we've all just felt exhausted (due to a combination of a very busy weekend and this terribly cold weather I think!), and so while P has maintained her usual 8-8:15 bedtime, Shaun and I have been eating dinner on the early side and then getting in bed before 10pm.

You guys, my life is changed! After 2 nights of this, I'm feeling a bit better and less exhausted. This morning was so much easier to wake up and get myself out of bed!  I'm not totally sure how sustainable this is, though. I don't get home until almost 7pm and I already feel like the nights are cut super short. Perhaps trying to eat dinner earlier will help elongate a short night? I'll keep you posted on these developments!

What time do you go to sleep at night? How does it affect your evening, daily mood and morning?


Reader Comments (4)

I'm seriously so happy you wrote about this because it's something I'm seriously struggling with. I've just been so so tired lately and I KNOW it's because I go to bed so late. I usually try to get to bed before 11 -- though ideally I'd like to be asleep before 10. It's just hard with having to recap television and shows and running and making dinner.

Once it's warmer out I plan on switching some workouts to the mornings so I'll be able to not only get to bed early but start my day with more energy in general

February 25, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterChristine @ I Hate Running

I'm with Chrsitine on my sleep schedule - my goal is always to be asleep by 11pm but my ideal time is 10pm. If I'm asleep by 10pm I find that I wake up more refreshed but my usual 11pm bedtime leaves me groggy on most days. It really is amazing what one extra hour of sleep does for you!

I also have the 'luxury' ( NJ Transit is never a luxury...) of sitting on the bus for an hour every morning so I'm able to take naps before I really need to be awake and energized for work.

February 25, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterdanielle n

I need to get better! I generally go to bed at midnight and my alarm goes off at 5:00 a.m. I've been trying hard for 11:00 p.m. bedtime lately, but clearly that is not going so well!

February 25, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterSues

I'm an early bird, which my husband used to make fun of, but now is totally on board with. =) In our house, we start Baby's bathtime/bedtime routine around 6:45, and she's asleep by 8 PM. At that point, we eat our dinner (like you guys), clean up, and watch a little TV. Around 9:30, I make the announcement that bedtime is soon, so to pause whatever we're watching at a good stopping point. =) By 10 PM, I'm asleep. Husband usually joins then, too, unless something really good + sportsy is on, in which case he'll finish that + then join. It makes for an early bedtime, BUT you need that when the day starts at 7 AM with an energetic, ready to go little human. =) I typically don't have a midday slump nor did I need a midday coffee or whatever to pick me up, because I get so much darn sleep overnight! It works for me! =D

February 26, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAmy @ Fearless Homemaker

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