Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Five Things Friday

{arnold palmer-turned-tom daly makes a lovely warm weather cocktail}


This week, kids everywhere finally went back to school and I have really loved seeing all of the first day of school photos circulating my social media feed. The school buses and crossing guards made their first appearance on the streets of Jersey City much to Penelope's excitement and now I can't help but long for the crisp fall air to round it all out. As I've said all week long, it's been borderline brutal on the heat front. I'm excited to close out summer 2014 with our trip to Lewes this weekend (by the time you read this, I'll be waking up there!) and move into the final third of the year.

Though I like to keep this segment light and fun, I can't not take a moment for Joan Rivers. Shaun and I both adore Fashion Police, mostly for Joan's envelope-pushing humor and streak of unmatched meanness that only she can pull off. I am truly saddened by her passing; it feels as though I've lost a friend, someone who I really looked forward to seeing each week. She was a trailblazer for female comedians, and for all female professionals. Joan Ranger for life.


{new tieks colors; i'm falling hard for olive}



{all of the pumpkin at DD; but did you know that their pumpkin coffee is pre-sweetened? bummer.}


{the return of football season + cute tees}


{there will never be another}


Five Food Things I Loved This Week:

Something to get excited about for upcoming cooler temps: fun beverages!

Here's 50 school lunch ideas to keep you {and your kiddo} inspired

Have you ever tried burrata? I don't think it's too bold to say that it's life changing.

This snickerdoodle cobbler looks good enough to eat

Cookie butter ice cream might be more than I can handle {but let's try it just to see...}


Five Pop Culture Things I Read This Week:

Frozen is coming back in '15

HelloGiggles shares the best TV season premieres

The Dude is back! Sort of.

Some of my least favorite GoT characters are taking a break in season 5

And 7 reasons to be excited for the 7th and final season of Sons of Anarchy (spoilers included); this got me very, very excited.


Five Other Things I Dug This Week:

10 surprising things about pregnancy; when I was pregnant, I was most surprised by how much I loved it!

These sad desk lunches had me cracking up because Lord knows, I've been there!

Joan Rivers' funniest jokes

20 little things that can make or break your day

DIY this pretty crystal finial


Reader Comments (1)

So sad to hear about Joan, loved her on Fashion Police!

Mmmm, Dunkin' Donuts! I've been missing that since I moved to Australia!


September 8, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie

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