10 Toddler Things We Love
Hi friends! It's Baby Talk Tuesday and I'm so happy that a lot of you are enjoying this series because it gives me a chance to just chat about being a Mom for a minute. In some ways, I can't believe that my little baby is now a full grown toddler and {sniffle} becoming a little girl. I see her playing like a big girl and it makes me realize that she is growing up and fast. It's amazing how much our life has changed and how it continues to evolve as well with what we do, what Penelope plays with or what she is 'into' at the moment, and even what she eats. Today I'm bringing you some of our very favorite toddler things we love!
Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream - P has had some bouts of really dry skin and applying this liberally after bath time and first thing in the morning seems to do the trick.
Sippy cups {Playtex, Lollacup} - P still takes a bottle, and we've tried lots of different sippy cups. Both of these are great sippy cups that she took too immediately. Both are leak proof (when attached correctly) and are super cute to boot.
Stride Rite - I have always struggled with foot pain and so I make sure to buy really good shoes for Penelope, right from the get-go. She walks and runs all over the place these days and so while they aren't inexpensive, I'm just happy that she is {seemingly} comfortable. These actually light up and P is totally smitten with them!
Boppy pillow - I know this is known for being more of an infant pillow and while we used it a ton during those infant months, P continues to love her Boppy to this day. She loves curling up on it to watch a movie, or just using it as a comfy backer while sitting on the floor and playing.
iPad games - I can do a longer post on this, but we love Peek-a-Boo Barn and Tinyhands' Lotto, which is a puzzle app. I try to limit her iPad time, but it's great to keep her occupied {and learning} when we are out and about. These were especially awesome on airplane rides.
DVDs - We own a bunch already and never leave home without them. P loves Despicable Me.
Musical Rainbow Tea Set {by Leapfrog} - This tea set, featuring a singing, light up tea pot, tea cups and cake slices, is by far Penelope's favorite toy as of late. It's the first toy that she really started to role play and pretend play with. She mimics us 'eating' the cake slices and 'drinking' the tea that she pours. The teapot also lights up, sings and counts how many cups of tea to pour and P loves getting to 'press the heart button to brew more tea.'
Crayola Color Wonder Mess Free coloring books & markers - We LOVE these! Amazing idea for toddlers. I bought her a set of the markers and can leave her to color without worrying that my carpet or furniture will end up with orange streaks or purple doodles since the markers are clear and only show up on special paper. Yes that means we have to always use the special coloring books but they are worth every penny for peace of mind and individual play.
Organic rice cakes - with blueberries and beets baked in, P loves to snack on these guys.
Organic fruit snacks - We like the YumEarth Organics brand, which I purchase by the case at BJ's. I know these are like candy, but with only 5 fruit snacks in a pouch, I'm totally ok with it as an afternoon snack or for dessert. The downside is that they are a little too good, even for mom.
So that's what we're loving lately. It's always an evolving list!
What are your favorite toddler or kid products right now?
Pssst...we were not paid nor perked for any of these mentions. These are just things that we use on a daily basis!
Reader Comments (2)
Awesome post! I can't wait until my nephews can use some of this stuff. They're only 3 months now, but there's a ton to look forward to!!
Despicable Me, Brave, Monsters Inc., whatever the Rapunzel movie is called and Cars are the way to go. Parents...if you value your sanity at all, you must go with some of the animated movies that have jokes in there for the parents. It's a life saver on vacation, making dinner or just laying around on a Saturday morning.