Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Friday: Jet Fuel + Daycare Days

Don't forget to enter the giveaway we have going on! I've teamed up with The Dukan Diet to give away a copy of The Dukan Diet Made Easy and a bag of their yummy apple cinnamon granola! Come on over to enter!

{taking the afternoon coffee break to a whole new level}


This was a rough week. All of the craziness over the last couple of weeks finally hit me like a ton of bricks. Luckily no sinus infections, but just extreme tiredness kicking in. I'm looking forward to a weekend with little to do...a bit of Aruba prep, a birthday party and seeing friends. Should be fun and relaxing!

{First day of 'school & Last day of 'school}

Today is Penelope's last day of 'school' until August. I used to hate when people called daycare 'school,' but since Penelope's daycare is actually part of a school and is on a school schedule, well, I think that qualifies. Like any other school, they close for 5 weeks over the summer. It's tough to account for those 5 weeks of child care, but we will make it work and she'll be going back in early August.

As this week approached, it never occurred to me that I'd be so sad that her year is ending. It made me reflect on almost a year ago when we said goodbye to our part-time nanny in prep for daycare.

I remember being a complete and total wreck on her first day last year, wondering how I could possibly leave my 6 month old baby at a daycare center with people who I didn't know. I was sick over it for weeks leading up to that first day. I think I was still in denial about it actually happening until the very moment that I handed her over. I even made my mom drive up to Jersey City to come with me. I needed her to see the place and tell me it was ok...that I was doing the right thing, that everything would be fine and that Penelope would be happy and well cared for there.

After so many tears, and feeling sick for the entire day, we made it through. That first week was so tough for me, though P took it like a champ and didn't seem to mind a bit. I grew to really love her caregivers. Penelope was happy 90% of the mornings I've dropped her off over the last year, and Shaun says the same when he picks her up. She was always exhausted by day's end, leading me to believe that she played hard and had fun. She would hug and kiss her 'teachers' and I know that she was loved and really found a home there. Other teachers in the building knew her as well, calling her 'Pen-a-lope' in the halls each morning. 

I'm sad that when we go back in August, P will move up to the next room with new 'teachers'...but I guess that will be every year from here on out, even once she gets to real school. It's hard not to bond and get attached to the people who are entrusted to care for your children...the people who seemingly spend more time with my child than I do. That's just the reality for a parent who works full time. It's something that I grapple with daily, and I'm so thankful that we had a great experience with daycare because it has made leaving her each day so much easier for me (though it's never really easy).

I am excited that she will be in a bigger room next year with age appropriate toys and more kids her age. I know she is going to love it! But for today, I'm a little sad, and that's ok.

I hope you all have a GREAT weekend ahead and please don't forget to enter my giveaway to win a copy of The Dukan Diet Made Easy and some tasty apple cinnamon granola!

Reader Comments (2)

I remember thinking "No we are getting a nanny for her and crying". We left and came back a few minutes later and she was happy as anything. That's when we knew it was ok. She loves her teachers and is always happy when I get her.

I am also trying to think of things to change up on my Dukan. I started putting a little cocoa powder in my yogurt and it is good.

June 27, 2014 | Unregistered Commentersandy

Aw, made me cry! But she is obviously a happy baby and right now thats the best you can ask, right? Just know you are making the right (but never easiest) decision every day with her! Love you!

June 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly

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