It's Friiiiiday! And Some Dukan Questions Answered
Happy Friday! Woo to the hoo, we made it to the holiday weekend. What are your plans for the upcoming three days? We have some gatherings with friends and family and I'm excited to simply relax a little. That's something we typically never do on the weekend and I swear I'm going to make it happen this time. This is a random post, but those are usually my favorite so I hope you enjoy and share some randomness with me in the comments!
Today is red white and blue day at Penelope's daycare/school. I shuffled her out onto the terrace this morning for a little photo shoot. This kid kills me.
I finally got a long-awaited mani/pedi last week.
I'm definitely slipping in my old age as I can't remember the name of the color. It's Essie with gold glitter polish on top. Neon mustache scarf from a beach shop last year, scored for $5.
In TV news, we are on the hunt for some new shows. We still have a season of Justified and Downton Abbey, but always looking for new suggestions if you're willing to pass them my way! We watched the season finale of Modern Family last night and I loved it! That show has its ups and downs for me, but that ep made me laugh and cry and that's just good TV in my book. We also finished the Jeopardy Tournament of the Decades...we oddly enjoyed that a little too much I think ;)
It's day #5 on Dukan and I'm feeling pretty good. I made the above cauliflower crusted pizza last night with plain (read: no sugar) tomato sauce (seasoned with oregano and basil), fat free mozzarella and turkey pepperoni. It was pretty awesome, actually!
Today is an all-protein day which is something that I do not relish but it is what it is. I plan to hit the grocery store early this afternoon and stock up on approved goodies for the weekend ahead. I've received a bunch of questions about logistics and how it's going so far and so I thought it would be a good time to address them in case any of you are thinking of starting it next week.
How do you feel?
Days 1-3 were the worst. Shaun was, what I can only describe as, hangry. I think that actually made me feel a bit more positive about it since I was trying to stay optimistic for both of us. It wasn't easy, but by day 4, it was as though a light switch went on and I felt so much less hungry overall. I'm just taking it day by day.
Did you sign up for the online coaching?
No. I don't see a need for it at this time, but I would consider it if I needed it down the road. I used the website to calculate my true weight and goal timelines only. I did get the book though, which I recommend. My mom also graciously ordered me the cookbook which I can't wait to get my hands on. Hopefully that will arrive today or tomorrow!
Did you buy any of the Dukan supplements or branded foods?
No. I started pretty ad hoc on this and don't see the need for them at this time.
Where can I buy oat bran?
I found it in the cereal aisle in the grocery store near the oatmeal. I did not buy the Dukan-branded oat bran, though I'm sure it's great too.
What about snacks?
I've learned to love cottage cheese with a little vanilla, cinnamon and sweetener. This has really gotten me through. I just can't get down with the plain Greek yogurt with sweetener, though I know my sister Kimberly has found that to be really helpful. This weekend, I plan to brainstorm and get a little creative and make a cinnamon tart from the Dukan cookbook for my father-in-law's birthday on Sunday...I'll keep you posted on that one!
Do you bring your food to work?
Yes. This is nothing new for me though. I'm used to packing my lunch and I come armed with more food than I could possibly eat. I now bring so many containers and use a shiny new lunch bag which I'll spotlight soon. I do look like a bag lady on the Path though...
How much weight have you lost?
I'm down 3 pounds and Shaun is down about 7. I know it's extreme, but my hope is that we can lose weight quickly and then work to keep it off in a healthy way!
I'll keep you posted next week on how we fair over the weekend...I'm a little nervous with some barbecues and parties in the mix! I hope you have an awesome weekend!!
What are your plans for the long weekend?
What randomness can you share with me today?!

Reader Comments (2)
I've been really enjoying Dukan! I found for me I didn't struggle too much the first three days but I chalk that up to lots of running around/job interviews and the fact that my whole life I've gone on and off carbs so I'm relatively used to it.
I'm down 5 lbs since I started on Monday (yesterday I was down 6 much I know when you weigh yourself everyday you are going to fluctuate plus I have quite a bit of sodium yesterday as well).
We made some granola this morning using the oat bran and I poured a tiny bit of almond milk over the top and it was pretty fabulous.
THANK YOU for this post answering dukan questions!! Very helpful. Good luck this weekend!!!
We are at Captiva island, South Seas resort for the weekend! 1 1/2 hour ride here this evening from where we live. Looking forward to 2+ days on the beach!
Enjoy the weekend!!!