Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Mother's Day Weekend Recap

How was your weekend?

We had a busy one that resulted in all of us in bed and asleep by 9:30 last night.

It was so needed after traveling all over Saturday and Sunday. Let's get to the recap, shall we?

On Friday evening, I had a lot to do to prep for the weekend. I wrapped Mom's Day gifts and prepped the gift basket for my aunt's baby shower the next day.


I also gave myself the at-home manicure and pedicure that I'd been dreaming of for weeks. Shaun and I both crashed on the couch and I awoke at 1:00AM to drag myself into bed.

Saturday we were up bright and early so that I could do my hair and makeup before Penelope's music class at 9. We went to class and P had fun with the eggs, as usual.

Afterwards, P and I ran back to the apartment so that I could get changed into my party dress and get moving down to my parents house. I met my mom and sisters there to then drive down to the baby shower.

I love going to baby showers now that I have a baby since I love seeing all of the baby goodies! Rebecca, the mom-to-be (and yes she is my aunt!), was glowing and absolutely gorgeous. So excited for her and what's to come!

After the shower, we headed back to the house, where Shaun and Penelope picked me up. We went back to our house and were so exhausted. I quickly made chocolate cheesecake pudding cups for the next day (and I forgot to snap a photo!), snuggled up with P for a little while and once again, fell asleep on the couch, waking around midnight to crawl into bed.

Mother's Day arrived and I was awoken by my little love bug babbling in her crib. I quickly got her up and into Shaun and my bed for some morning movie time and snuggling, which is really the only thing I wanted for the day. On the schedule was her current favorite, Despicable Me. Love it.

We went to my parents house for brunch where we dined on frittata, bagels and lox, accompanied by a large mug of coffee.

Oh and Penelope got after the fruit platter, as per usual.

It was so warm out that it felt like summer so we all went outside to play for a while.

Penelope hula hoop hopped...

...and wore her sunglasses for about 3 seconds.


and we just enjoyed the sun for a while.

{3 generations}

{our little family}

{my sweet love}


After a nap refusal by Penelope and some cooling off indoors, we headed over to my in-laws for the afternoon. We barbecued, watched baseball and just hung out.

Penelope ate chips & dip. I'm going to start calling her the Little Dipper.


{I made it into the guys photo too since Penlope refused to let anyone else hold her}


We arrived home late Sunday evening, dropped our bags and immediately snuggled up in bed. Penelope moved to her crib by 8:30 and Shaun and I were passed out by 9.

All in all, a great weekend...but man am I spent on this Monday morning!

I hope you all have a great week ahead!


How did you spend your weekend?

Did you get any outdoor time?


Reader Comments (1)

Love all of the cute Penelope pics! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day:-)

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