Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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« 5 things in 2015 | Main | Have a Merry Christmas! »

Happy New Year! + 2014 Things

{on our 6th wedding anniversary in Aruba} 



How are you?

I've really enjoyed taking a nice break over the last week from blogging and, in truth, from real life in general. We had a really, really nice Christmas and continued celebrating into the weekend. The last few days I've just been sleeping in a bit, relaxing with Penelope and just having no obligations. It's really the only week of 2014 that has been like this and it's really enjoyable and liberating. I've had lots of blog ideas but just not the stamina to write any of them. But! I wanted to end the year with looking back on what a great year it was. I'm not one for New Year's or New Year's resolutions, but 2014 was particularly great and I'll be sad to see it go.

Tonight, we'll be ringing in 2015 with a big steak dinner prepared at home, some champagne and perhaps a viewing of the Newsroom finale. And to really close out the year, I put together some twenty fourteen highlights. I hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful New Year's Eve and please...be safe!


{kinky boots on a snowy day}


{celebrating penelope jane's 1st birthday + talking about pj's birth day i/ii/iii}


{celebrating fEaster + Easter


{i bought tieks}


{portobello mushroom pizzas}


{mdw at the beach}


{dukan breakfast: scrambled eggs + canadian bacon + a lotta coffee}


{so much great TV; heartbreaking, hilarious and totally consuming}


{4th of july in liberty state park}




{amazing mini donuts} 


{sunset in siesta key}


{amazing salted caramel apple cheesecake bars}




{cookie butter bars for a baby shower} 


{fun in the orchards}


{best bloody brunch}


{mickey mouse}


{holiday cookie baking}


{christmas eve celebrations}



see ya in 2015!




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