How Do You Spend Halloween With Your Kids?
One of the most fun things about being a parent is getting to celebrate holidays with a kid in tow. It totally rejuvenates holidays and makes them fun again {in case any of that original spark was lost in the course of growing up!}. Though I love all the candy and spooky movies that go along with Halloween, I'm not really one for dressing up. But, with a rambunctious toddler who wants to see and do absolutely everything, suddenly Halloween has become a season that I absolutely couldn't wait for!
We had a few events this past weekend. It started off with a kids Halloween party in our building on Saturday morning. By Sunday evening, Penelope was just about ready to live in her costume as we took her to a Harvest Fest and trunk or treat at Shaun's parents' church. Since Penelope is still a little young for trick or treating (though we DO plan to take her on Friday evening!), these two events were pretty great for a little tiny nugget with little tiny legs and a propensity for tiredness after about an hour or so.
On Friday, Penelope's school will have a Halloween party in the middle of the afternoon. I'm sad to say that the likelihood of me making it to the party is slim to none. It makes me sad that I won't be able to see her class all dressed up and having fun, but my hope is to skip out of work a little early at least and then take her trick-or-treating in our building! Our building has a fun program where participating families can hang a pumpkin on their door to signify that there are tricks or treats to be had. I'm sure that P won't make it very far {in fact, I'm counting on only a floor or 2 and then we'll be back home to hand out candy also!} but I can't wait to take her. She loves collecting things and putting them in bins or bags, and she started to get the hang of it at Sunday evening's trunk or treat.
So that's how we are ringing in Halloween 2014. After trick or treating and P's bedtime, Shaun and I will likely curl up on the couch with some wine, some Halloween candy and a scary movie or two!
How are you celebrating Halloween with your kiddos?
What are your kids being for Halloween?
Reader Comments (3)
That family pic is SO adorable, it's a framer I think! :)
Lilly has the same PJ's! every night she wants to wear her 'Bones' lol
I agree, the holidays are so much more fun now!
Lilly has the same PJ's! every night she wants to wear her 'Bones' lol
I agree, the holidays are so much more fun now!