Weekend + Our 5th Anniversary
Well hellooooo on this incredibly steamy day!
We've had quite a busy bunch of days, and I had planned to post this yesterday, but didn't really get around to it. Let's ease into Tuesday with a little recap, shall we?
Last Thursday, Shaun and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary!
Every year, I demand an anniversary photo and this year's was extra fun since we added a member to the party :)
Shaun and I simply adore the Lighthorse Tavern in Jersey City and have spent many a special occasion there, so when Christine offered to babysit, we knew exactly where we were headed!
I dined on my usual barbecued skirt steak with jalapeno polenta and Shaun enjoyed the fish and chips. Not before a gorgeous cheese plate of Maytag blue cheese, Manchego, goat cheese, lavendar honey, fresh cranberries and house-made red wine and walnut bread. Um...yeah.
Excuse the bad photos but nice ambient lighting doesn't equal good photography!
The 5th anniversary is the 'wood' anniversary and I think we both did a good job of getting creative with a wood theme. I'll do another post on these gifts in case anyone is on the hunt for some 5th anniversary gift ideas!
Over the weekend, we had no plan and so we took the opportunity to head down the shore!
Though I love the Caribbean, there is nothing like the Jersey Shore.
It was Sweet P's first time at the beach and we found that she is quite the water baby.
Once we had her fully geared up in her little coolie suit and UV hat, it was time for the fun to begin. We dipped her tiny toes in the water and though she had NO idea what was going on, she really seemed to enjoy it.
I love this shot so much because she looks like a little 1930s baby...big hat, pinky in the air, thinking 'oh my, isn't this delightful! oh and be a dear and continue to block my sun!'
Toes in the sand...
Tiny footprints...
After we were all tuckered out (and I was severely sunburned...somehow in my fury to ensure that not one little piece of Pen got burned, I neglected myself and got completely scorched!), we headed to our favorite spot on the island for lunch...Pinky Shrimp's!
Shaun and I shared the crabcake dinner, which included 2 uh-mazing broiled crab cakes, 1 sweet potato and French fries. Not too shabby.
By the evening time, we were all exhausted and slept like rocks.
Pen even graced us by sleeping until 8am on Sunday! On the way home on Sunday, we made a pit stop at my parents' house for a quick dip in the pool and P's first official swim!
It was quite the busy weekend and I think by Sunday night we were all equally tuckered out. Monday marked my 31st birthday and we quietly celebrated at home with a bottle of Prosecco, pizza and Downton Abbey. What could be better than that?
Oh, and ice cream. Lots of ice cream :)
How is your summer going so far?
Have you done any weekend getaways lately?

Reader Comments (7)
So many fun celebrations! Pizza and bubbly is ALWAYS the best way to celebrate:-)
congrats! Ya;; are such a cute little family! She is growing so much!
Happy Anniversary! We reminisced so much last week with the Appenzoller's about how great your wedding week was, I cant believe its been 5 years! Also, Penelope. I cannot wait to snuggle her on Sunday!!
Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!!
Super cute photos of your little peanut! I love babies at the beach! Happy Anniversary and BIRTHDAY! What a super fun weekend for you guys! Your birthday night sounds perfect..thats how I like it too :) Are you loving Downton? Im going crazy waiting for it to start again!!
I have a daughter the same age as your, what's the swim suit thingy called? And where did you get it? Thanks!!
Hi Dara! I got this one at Nordstrom (on sale!) though I'm not sure of the exact brand. My next stop for another suit (as this one is getting mighty tiny on her) is Coolibar! http://www.coolibar.com/category/Girls/Infant-6M-24M/pc/2220/2255.uts
Hope it helps!