Hi, I'm Rachel.

A few years ago I could barely boil water.

True story.

Determined to be a kick ass wife, I developed a love for football and learned to cook in my tiny Jersey City kitchen. I spend my days working in Manhattan, my nights and weekends chasing after a rambunctious toddler, and the hours in between cooking with my husband and feeding my TV habit...oh, and I blog about it all! 

Welcome to my world!

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Six Week Update

So Penelope is about six and a half weeks old and I thought it might be a good time to give you an update on how things are going 'round these parts.

It's pretty wild to think about how much life has changed in just six short weeks. It's been a fun, exciting and joyous ride thus far, but I'd be lying if I said that it hasn't had its share of challenges.

I've spent all but a few mere hours over the last weeks with Penelope while I'm on my maternity leave. It has been great to have so much time with her in these precious first weeks.

Though we spend most of our time at home, I try to get out of the house at least once a day. This ranges from visiting my mom or lunch with my aunts to a trip to the mall or a simple walk around the neighborhood.


I wanted to try and get back to 'normal' as quickly as possible and not let my fear of leaving the house with a fragile newborn keep me stuck in neutral. I'm thrilled to say that Penelope travels well so far and I'm happy that she's allowed us to survive hour-long car rides and even a sit-down lunch.

Speaking of lunch...

Penelope eats like a champ. She definitely inherited Mama's genes in that department (unfortunately for her). I'm exclusively nursing but Pen gets about 1 bottle a day (so Shaun can enjoy feeding her as well). Somedays, it seems like all she does is want to eat...like if she's not eating, she is crying and vice versa. This has been tough on me because I feel as though no matter what I do, she wants more and I have a hard time accepting that sometimes, I just cannot get anything else done (like toss in a load of laundry, eat or pee for that matter). However, she is gaining weight like whoa (we think she is already around 11 pounds), and so I'm thrilled to have a healthy growing girl on my hands. 


The Fun Things

And since she has grown so much over the last few weeks, she is starting to do and see a bit more, which has been completely awesome to witness. She started smiling about two weeks ago and everytime she does it, my heart just explodes with joy and happiness. There is no better feeling than that. She loves kisses, silly noises, light cheek squeezes and staring at little toys that hang from her car seat and bouncer. It is truly adorable to see her stare at these things in wonderment and it makes me so excited for all of the things to come and she discovers more and more.


Her new love is her Snugabunny bouncer!

She smiles at the little birdies that hang above her and she loves the vibrating movement.

I have lots of thoughts on different baby products and so perhaps I'll do a separate post on that soon.

The Crying Game

On the not so fun side, we learned early on that Penelope is a crier. I don't really have much experience with babies beyond Pen, and so I'm not sure what a 'normal' level of crying is for a newborn. I just know that Penelope cries a lot, and continues to do so at 6+ weeks.

In fact, after a string of non-stop 6 hour wailing (and I mean incosolable, full-body raging wailing) sessions, I even took her to the pediatrician for a look. To my simultaneous happiness (that my child is perfectly healthy) and dismay (that there was nothing to be done about said wailing), she essentially told me to simply 'deal with it'. 


After shedding a few tears myself and grabbing a cupcake to ease my woes, we regrouped. It turns out that newborns get overstimulated incredibly easily and there is no 'off' switch. Just because we think it's bedtime, doesn't mean that Penelope thinks so. And thus in the evening hours, we are trying to keep all of the lights dim, speak softly and rock her as much as possible. This week, we are going to try and make a concerted effort to 'teach' her how to fall asleep. We're testing out a rocking chair and I'm hoping that will help. Outside of that, sometimes the only comfort is putting her in the Moby wrap and walking the hallways of our building.

Luckily, once she is down for the night, things are great. It could take 4 hours of fussing to get her to sleep, but once she is sleeping, over the last week she has done a 5-6 hour stretch, wakes up to eat and get changed, then goes back down for another 2.5-3 hours. I can't complain about that! It's a far cry from the first few weeks of 1.5-2 hour stretches all.night.long. Eek. So I'm happy to be getting a bit more sleep these days.

Any moms with sleeping tips out there? I'm happy to take any advice you're willing to give!

For now, I'll continue to soak up my time with her any way I can...

Reader Comments (6)

you are doing awesome!!! I was the same, had to get out of the house daily, and I think that really helps. sleep is so tough. P would be a total wreck every night at 6pm. It was her "witching hour" she just really had to get it out. Sounds like you have a great plan for sleep. the carriers really do work wonders. I loved that little bouncer....wish I could still stuff P in it sometimes! :) great job mama!

March 20, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteralex

OMG she could not be any cuter, love all of these pictures!!! I hope that the crying starts to start to decrease soon for you, I can imagine that being super stressful!

March 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLauren at Keep It Sweet

We loved that bouncer so much we bought the monkey one for our house and the bunny one to keep at my mom's. It's so cute how they get fixated on the hanging animals :)

March 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTrish

What a beauty! She is growing so fast and is so gorgeous and healthy-looking, well done momma!
We have that same bouncer and we totally love it! it was the only thing she would sleep in the first few days and it saved us :)
i am so happy to see that you all are doing so well! :)

March 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHailey @ nakedcupcakes

oh my gosh! I love her in the green! She is too adorable. I am so glad she is such a great baby and I know your one heck of a mom!

March 26, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterkitchen belleicious

Isn't it nice how Dr's so simply say "deal with it"? I get the same advice over Julia's sleep woes. I wish I could say that having a crying a baby stops, but I just said to my husband last night that Julia was a crier as a baby and continues to be one into her toddlerhood. Lots of babies get "colicky" at night time, it's a witching hour of around 4-5p and it can go into the night. Maybe the soon-to-be warmer weather will help with an evening walk in the fresh air?

March 28, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterReesa L.

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