Happy Thanksgiving! And The Things I'm Thankful For
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Shaun is cooking appetizers in the kitchen, Penelope finally gave into her nap, and I'm stealing some time away to catch a bit of the parade and write this post before the day really gets going.
I had a blast keeping my thankful little things over the last month. Thanks to Julie for inspiring this. Of course, I'm thankful everyday for the big things in my life...like health, happiness, my amazing family, my wonderful husband and my beautiful, happy daughter.
But it is also nice to appreciate those little things that make me smile each day. And so here we go...
Nov 1: I'm thankful for Pumpkin Spice creamer making my morning coffee completely indulgent
Nov 2: I'm thankful for five star camping with my in-laws
Nov 3: I'm thankful for truly gorgeous fall foliage in the wee hours
Nov 4: Movember! Shaun is participating, so P and I are excited to cheer him on this month! Personally, I always think a neon mustache scarf makes everything better.
Nov 5: I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the democratic process...voting!
Nov 6: for a glorious 2 hours to myself while Shaun was out and Penelope was sleeping. Mom's night!
Nov 7: for my mom not only driving to JC to watch Penelope, but for dragging a huge box of sternos behind her; we plan to use them for an upcoming party!
Nov 8: I'm thankful for a gorgeous walk to the office and the opportunity to stretch my legs and get some easy exercise each day
Nov 9: I'm thankful for whole berry cranberry sauce. Yes I am.
Nov 10: I'm thankful for so many friends gathering at our annual Sweatsgiving
Nov 11: I'm thankful for leftovers in my fridge...no cooking tonight!
Nov 12: I'm thankful for good TV which shows incredibly attractive men shirtless (I'm looking at you Jax Teller)
Nov 13: I'm thankful for baked cheese and tomato sauce on crostini. what's better than that?
Nov 14: I'm thankful for hugs from my baby and her falling asleep in my arms after being away on business
Nov 15: Starbucks oatmeal...$2.99 well spent on this sleepy, chilly morning
Nov 16: I'm thankful for in-laws who bring dinner while we're knee deep in a packing mess
Nov 17: I'm thankful for a sleepy baby on our flight to Aruba
Nov 18: I'm thankful for the familiar sticky morning heat, stiff breeze, and quiet beach of Aruba that I missed so much
Nov 19: I'm thankful for the genius who thought to use evaporated milk as coffee creamer...would it be so bad to use this in everyday life?
Nov 20: I'm thankful that I purchased all new bathing suits and cover ups for our trip. At least if I'm now in one pieces, I feel fabulous
Nov 21: I'm thankful for unlimited flank steak at Texas de Brazil. #fatkid
Nov 22: I'm thankful for a happy, belly-laughing baby playing in the Caribbean sea
Nov 23: I'm thankful for a glorious week spent in Aruba with my whole family. As my dad says...you can have all the money in the world, but it can't buy you a week of vacation with all of us together
Nov 24: I'm thankful for a smooth and safe (if daunting) airport excursion and flight home
Nov 25: I'm thankful that I don't drive to work...and for once, am thankful for the PATH...this morning it took me 1 hour and 30 minutes to go 20 miles via car
Nov 26: I'm thankful that my Thanksgiving plans don't require travel as all I'm hearing on the news is how everyone's travel plans will be ruined by a huge storm this week. Also feeling sad at the injustice of this for those who are traveling...I hope you all make it home to your loved ones!
Nov 27: I'm thankful for a happy baby, granting me smooth passage through two grocery store stops
Nov 28: I'm most thankful for family.
I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
What are you most thankful for?

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