Summer Busy-ness
Is it me or is summertime always the busiest time of the year?
I feel like no matter how hard I try to keep things low key, the summer seems to be booked up even before it begins. By Memorial Day Weekend, I already had most of June, half of July and a weekend in August all booked up.
Somehow, Shaun and I are gone from our apartment every single weekend from June through August.
It's all good stuff, of course. Spending time at the shore, hanging by my parents' pool, eating ice cream, celebrating birthdays (Kimberly's, mine and my Dad's are all over the next month or so) doing a little traveling and attending barbecues. Nothin' wrong with that.
I can't help but feel some anxiety as the craziness ensues.
I know that home projects will be put on hold, cooking at home will be minimal and limited to grilling, and Monday mornings will arrive way too soon.
I'm definitely not complaining.
But trying to settle myself in before the storm. Get those last minute projects done around the house. Go out and finally buy a patio set (we're considering this one, in case you're interested). Pick up those last minute wardrobe pieces. I'm actually on the hunt for some cute summer dresses, if anyone has recommendations :) Oh and a new pair of sunglasses. That obviously needs to happen.
How do you stay sane during crazy busy times?
What are you looking forward to this summer?
Reader Comments (3)
Ugh, I get that same anxiety about summer every year too.
This summer won't be nearly as busy as we are new to LA and don't have as many weddings, etc. this year! I'm really looking forward to it!
The good side of being incredibly busy is that it goes by fast!
i treat myself to the occasional lazy random day when i get crazy busy. i'll take an afternoon off of work, + treat myself to a guilt-free bunch of hours watching mindless TV, relaxing outside with my pup, or just napping. it always helps me to destress + it's such a little luxury!
I always feel like summer is over before it begins...because our weekends are so packed and the months wiz on by. Case and point...we just got back from a weekend trip to NY. Loved every moment but it is already time to be home and back at work!