Thursday Thoughts
1. Last night I went for a run. I feel like a bag of old bones today because I'm sore and my hip hurts. Yeah.
2. I also did 8 minute legs and 8 minute arms. They are no joke. The guy's outfit in the videos must be though. But! Solid workout in 16 minutes = sign me up!
3. Tonight I'm going to see Ghost on Broadway with my family. Not sure what to expect...regardless, it will be no Patrick Swayze...let's just get that out there right now.
4. Last night I made a new salad dressing that I thoroughly enjoyed. Red wine vinegar, mustard, garlic...perfect on a bed of romaine and arugula.
5. Thanks to Kimberly for leaving a giant vat of arugula here on Saturday after Mom's birthday party! It's kept me fed all week.
6. I ate about 10 of Kim's compost cookies this week, following Mom's birthday party. Yes, they are the size of my head. And yes, I really did eat like 10.
7. Tim Tebow is going to the Jets! Shaun is thrilled. Looks like Dad will need a new Tebow jersey. We're all very excited, even the Giants fans.
Dad Tebowing on Christmas morning, with his new jersey
8. It's supposed to be like 75 degrees in the tri-state area today. Cute skirts here I come! Now if only my legs were quite so pasty. Ack.
9. The Hunger Games movie comes out this anyone braving the crowds? Maybe we will go on Saturday night...if not, I can wait one more week to make it happen.
10. Speaking of...could Jennifer Lawrence be any more stunning? I'm in love with this dress, her hair, her makeup...
11. I blew through Delirium and am now full force into Pandemonium. Is anyone else reading Delirium? Remember we will have a disscussion on the blog in a couple of weeks if you'd like to read it!
12. You can now find some of my recipes on The Daily Meal and on Fave Healthy Recipes.
13. You can still enter the SlimKicker slow cooker giveaway! It's open until noon today. Head over to make it happen!
14. I'm really wishing that I got it up enough to repaint my nails last night. I'm still rocking I Have a Herring Problem and loving it...but let's face it, after a week it's time for a change.
Question of the Day:
What are your thoughts today?!
Reader Comments (7)
hahaha 8 min abs. we used to do that in weights class in high school. love their outfits!
I think I'm the only person on the planet who hasn't read the hunger games...
You should try adding some shallots to your dressing - that plus your other ingredients is my all time favorite dressing!
Yay for running! Don't do too much too soon!
Love that pictures of Jennifer Lawrence - I'm not sure if I'll make it to Hunger Games until May, but I secretly really really want to see it!
I'm kind of dying to see the Hunger Games this weekend, but such a wuss when it comes to crowds. My husband has convinced me to wait one week and see it with him next weekend too. the homemade salad dressing :)
have you seen the photo of Jennifer Lawrence in a fabulous green dress? ah-mazing!
Tebow to the Jets! I'll have to admit it took me a while to get on board, but now I'm all in. If he gets a lot of playing time, Joe and I might even need to make a trip to NYC for a game!
Yesss! So happy that Tebow is now on the Jets. I think he is a great person and athlete! Can't wait to see what the season brings :)