Holiday Music
Since it's a whole week past Thanksgiving, I finally broke out my Christmas playlist on the iPod and queued up the Rockin' Holidays Pandora station on my office computer.
Usually by the middle of December I've exhausted all holiday music in a veritable overdose of the same songs, over and over. But for now? I'm so excited to dive right in.
This year, however, I'm looking for some new suggestions on great Christmas albums or renditions...any recommendations out there?
Admittedly, some of my existing favorites include:
Mariah Carey Merry Christmas. As if that needs to be officially stated! Who doesn't love this album?!
Michael Buble Let it Snow! I actually bought his Michael Buble Christmas album last year and felt eh about it. Shaun had gifted me with Let it Snow! years ago and I've loved it ever since.
Jessica Simpson ReJoyce. Don't judge. The arrangements are great and her Baby It's Cold Outside duet with Nick Lachey is my favorite version of this song...and makes me long for better Simpson days long gone.
Bing Crosby & Frank Sinatra Christmas. Perhaps the only Christmas album that Shaun will listen to willingly!
When it comes to individual songs, here are just a few of my favorites!
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - James Taylor, Bing Crosby versions
Elf's Lament - Barenaked Ladies & Michael Buble
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Barenaked Ladies & Sarah McLachlan
Please Come Home for Christmas - Bon Jovi
O Holy Night - any rendition
Carol of the Bells - any rendition
Sleigh Ride - The Ronettes
Merry Christmas - The Waitresses
Little St. Nick - The Beach Boys
Christmas All Over Again - Tom Petty
Run Run Rudolph - Chuck Berry
...just to name a few!
But I'm always on the hunt for new renditions, so please share with me some of your favorites!

Reader Comments (3)
Mariah is definitely the CD I need to pull out every year to bring in the holiday spirit. I haven't started listening just yet but I've been singing some songs to Baby. He likes them! :)
Really no Andy Williams? He is Christmas!!
Okay, so I know this isn't the point, but I can't get over how different Mariah Carey looks in that picture! My oh my how time changes things!