Giants Party
Hi there! It's Monday! I'm happy for a number of reasons.
1. I do not have work today. I love having Mondays off, much more than Fridays, because then I start the week on a Tuesday and somehow it seems like its a less crazy start to the week. Fridays are usually quiet anyway, so I don't really mind being in the office!
2. I have a fun day in NYC planned! Shaun is taking me to get a new camera lens (my Christmas present), then we are having Restaurant Week lunch at Striphouse and then I'm going to my bff Lindsey's to do wedding stuff with her. It doesn't get much better on a day off!
3. Oh yeah...and the Giants crushed the Packers yesterday! Woooo-hoooo!
Shaun and I spent the afternoon and evening at my parents house to watch the game. His parents joined us as well. We dined on way to many snacks and I even created a quick Giants cupcake for the occasion!
We had mini cheeseballs - cheddar and feta
a trio of wings - barbeque, buffalo and sesame teriyaki
my mom made this amazing cobb salad. love the presentation on this.
cold spinach dip with veggies
there was also some Greek layer dip...
and pizza dip on hand
and for dessert? I whipped up these cute Giants-themed cupcakes with some leftover red cupcake liners from Christmas. I used a basic chocolate cake recipe and just whipped up a basic cream cheese frosting with a little blue food coloring mixed in! What can I come up with next week?! Gah!
So that's how we spent Sunday afternoon and evening...cheering on the Giants and stuffing our bellies.
Question of the Day:
How was YOUR weekend?!
Do you prefer to have Mondays or Fridays off from work?

Reader Comments (3)
yay giants!!! i was thinking of you :) enjoy your day off
I really want to make that pizza dip. My husband was VERY sad about the game yesterday....
That Cobb salad and pizza dip look great! What are your favorite places for wings in the NYC area? I need some suggestions for next week's Giants game...